Wake Up

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"Attorney Bragg? Attorney?"


"I've been asked to wake you up, sir. You've been asleep seven hours, and The General says that's quite enough." The General, also known as Pop.

I open my eyes and see one of Gram's butlers, Pope, standing over me, white-haired, chin raised. He's the slave of Minnie Bragg. There is a nobleness he possesses that an ordinary prisoner knows nothing about.

I sit up in bed, bare-chested, squinting my eyes against floral wallpaper and gold light fixtures. Pope holds out a T-shirt for me.

"You have boxers on under there?" He asks me.

"I do."


"What time is it?" I fall back into bed.

"Seven p.m. God is almost in bed, and now, it's time for you to rise. There are some talking points I am to relay to you before you head downstairs to meet the ladies."


"Yes. First, Vermont has officially seceded. Second, New Hampshire Telephone has now replaced all landline and wireless networks. Lastly, Miss

Presley Ann would like to discuss porcelain patterns."

I sit back up and run a hand over my face. "What about them?"

"Well, you're ringing your bells. She wants you two to come together and pick one to serve your guests on."

"Am I supposed to?"

Louisiana didn't ask me to do a thing when we were about to ring our bells.

"You sure are. Also, the cake-tasting is tonight and you will complete it before you do anything else. Miss Minnie has already warned The General.

The boulanger is downstairs now with Presley Ann and—" "Presley Ann's here?" Now, I'm awake.

"She is—as well as her mother, your mother, her sister-in-law, Dainty,

Ms. Minnie, and Great Aunt. They're all waiting for—in their words— Sleeping Beauty to join them. Sleeping Beauty would be you."

"Yes, I gathered that."

"All seven ladies want you downstairs immediately. After that, The General wants you in his office." He looks at his watch. "We'll see you downstairs in five."

I'd like to call after the retreating Pope and ask him if he knows that, after I left the Bouchards and dropped Mercer off, I stayed up for several more hours with Pop and The Governor as they detailed New Hampshire's plan for the next few days. Also, does Pope know that The Governor is beyond livid that Louisiana and I aren't marrying, so talking to him was like talking to a non-English speaker who gives one-worded answers to complex questions? Does Pope know that Pop suggested I stay in this room set up for me by Gram so that I may be at his disposal? I'm sure Pope does not know this, nor does Pope care. He answers to Gram, and Gram told me to go downstairs and eat cake.

I get out of bed. I need to shower, dress, and be downstairs in five minutes. My future wife has summoned me.

Me getting showered now is a reminder of my roots. Harvard had the gall to start classes at eight in the morning and expected you to dress and be awake for them. So, showering and dressing in five minutes is no challenge at all. Washing my face, I hear the voices of ladies downstairs. Brushing my teeth, I listen to their laughter.

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