Ch. 12

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It was the next day. Max ended up spending the night but he slept on the couch.

When Kate walked in on us I told him to kiss me so she would get mad. Or at least I thought she would get mad

Anyways ever since the party Kate has been asking me "who's Cole" and " when am I going to meet him" . Today i was going to finally meet him.

We matched on Tinder a few weeks ago

It was 9:00 am and I had a date with him tonight at 5:00. He was going to pick me up.

I took a shower and got ready for the day

When I came outside Max wasn't there but Kate's and Colbys shoes were. I knocked on her door

"Come in"
I walked in and asked
"So how was round two"
They both stared at me like I was crazy
"Well............. it was......ermmmm...........g..r..e..a..t.." Kate said
"How was round one for you and Max-" Colby asked"- did you use the condom I threw at you guys"

"We didn't have sex. We just did stupid 💩 all night"
They nodded and I left.

I went to my room to edit my videos

I was actually going out later with one of my friends From school named Jessica.

I finished editing and I called an Uber

Jessica and I were planning on meeting at the beach.

She said there's a place that serves amazing lunch

When my Uber got there I told them the directions and I met Jessica there

We walked to the restaurant. I actually thought it was going to be busy but it was not even busy

We ordered our food when I got a text from Cole

C: Hey. I have things to do later on at 5 so what about at 7 we go see a movie for something
K: That's ok. I actually have to edit some videos so that's actually great
C: OK I just wanted to tell you. See you later
K: Bye

Jessica and we're just casually talking.

We ate our lunch and want back to our places

Kate's POV

It was about 2:00 pm when Krissy got back. Colby left cause he had to film a video with Sam.

Colby and I had a date tonight and I was actually excited

We promised we were going as friends but when we came to the car or to the house or apartment we could be all flirty

He hadn't made a video announcing we were back together and he was going for what for about a week

Krissy had a Date tonight too

Krissy's POV

I started getting ready for the date with Cole

Tonight I was wearing

Around 6:00 there was a knock at the door

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Around 6:00 there was a knock at the door

I opened it and it was Cole
"Wow! You're even more stunning than I imagined"

I blushed and we left

Well Krissy there's Cole! Someone dm'ed me saying Krissy needed Cole.


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