YDMTI ~ 26

187 8 0

Jeff and I were sleeping in his bed, when Cameron or Veronica started to cry. I groaned and poked Jeff.

"What..?" He mumbled, pulling his sleeping mask up.

"Go check on the babies.." I replied, cuddling under the blankets.

"Mindy...will you please do it?" Jeff sighed, sitting up.

"I have birth less than two weeks ago! You do it!" I whisper shouted, closing my eyes. I felt Jeff get up, which made me smile.

In the morning, I decided that it would be a good idea to start buying baby clothes and things like that. The only problem was that I was under the missing file, so I'd immediately be turned in if someone recognized me.

"Jeff, I'm dying my hair." I said as we were getting out of the shower.

"What color? And why?"

"Blue and because I need to go to town." I replied.

"Where are you going to get hair dye?" Jeff asked, drying his hair with a towel.

"Chelsea bought some. Don't ask how, because I don't know." I said, putting my bra on.

"Wait, babe. Take that off for a sec." Jeff whispered. I rolled my eyes and took it off."Mmm~! Sexy."

"Jeff...not right now. I need to go shopping for Cameron and Veronica."

"Okay, okay." Jeff sighed. I smiled and kissed his cheek, then pulled my bra on again. I put a pair of yoga pants on, and a Pierce The Veil T-shirt on. I was still a little chubby from my pregnancy, but I'd been running everyday. Today I didn't want to, because I needed to go shopping.

"I love you, Jeff."

"I love you, too, Mindy." Jeff replied. I smiled and sighed happily, walking out if the bathroom to Veronica and Cameron's room. The two of them were laying in their crib, sucking their tiny thumbs and sleeping. I had to cover my mouth so I wouldn't say 'aw' because I wanted them to stay asleep. I giggled a little and tiptoed down the hall, to the stairs. I ran down them, and grabbed Jeff's keys.

"I'll be back!" I yelled. I crossed my fingers, hoping I didn't just wake up the kids. Then, I left.


I was in the store, looking for some baby clothes, when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around, to se it was Tim..er...Masky..?..

"Hello, Mindy." He said, calmly.

"Get the hell away from me!" I yelled.

"Sh, sh, sh! We wouldn't want to make a scene in front of everyone, now would we? That would be an embarrassment to yourself." Masky smirked.

"Fine...Lets go outside." I growled, walking out the door. He followed.

"Now, Mindy. We have unfinished business." He grinned.

"Like what, you bitch?" I shouted, scratching his cheek. Masky lost all of his calmness.

"LOOK YOU INSANE LITTLE BITCH! YOU ARE DESTINED TO BE WITH ME, SO I AM TAKING YOU AWAY!" He yelled. Masky balled his hand into a fist, and slammed it against my head, causing everything to go black.

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