Cuteness and Croissants

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Ding! Marinette strolled over and opened the oven, inhaling the sweet nutty aromas that wafted out. She placed the pan on a rack before making her way over to the cupboard. Reaching in she pulled out some new chocolate to garnish the fresh croissants Adrien and her had made. Twirling through the kitchen in the way only those who enjoy baking do, she made her way back and started shaving it away. Moments went by before Marinette gasped looking down. She had been shaving the chocolate onto a rack of croissants that are no longer there. Glancing around Marinette quickly spotted the all too familiar trail of crumbs.

    "Of course this again," she groaned.

    After following the crumbs up the stairs to a closet, Marinette quickly swung open it open revealing the culprit. Nearly choking with laughter she struggled to control herself as she took in the sight. Adrien had surrounded himself with croissants and was cramming them in his mouth. Blushing and mumbling through his full mouth, Adrien spurted out, "Oh hi Marinette would you like to err join me?"

    "I think I'll pass," she giggled. "May I ask that you clean up this,'' motioning towards his general direction she sighed, "mess, of sorts."

    Swallowing deeply Adrien scrambled to compose himself and blurted out, "Why yes of course my apologies m'lady."

As she made her way back downstairs Marinette teased, "Thank you silly kitty, I'll go make us some more. You make me wonder if that father of yours even feeds you."

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