A very BAU Christmas

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You always knew that if you ever shared your feelings with your new found family that they would be pushed around a lot so you kind of kept to yourself more or less. Around this time we were all hoping for a little winter vacation but that did not seem like it was in the future for anyone in the group. After a little chit-chat with my best friend Garcia, I heard that we decided to decorate for Christmas. I was fine with that until I heard Derek Morgan say something about mistletoe. That day I had talked to Garcia, I had kind of let it slip that I was in love with one and only Dr. Spencer Reid. He was wonderful and could just imagine us dating if either of us had actually tried to ask anyone out. Ever, but on that note I was not happy about the mistletoe. 

One day about a week after we had decorated, everyone except Reid and I were acting a little weird and I had absolutely no idea why. After lunch, I had came into the conference room to get some files we had left in there, Reid was about to come in as I was leaving but before we could get passed the doorframe I heard Morgan shout from his desk, "Look up, Pretty Boy" Reid and I looked up at the same time to see a piece of mistletoe right there. I blushed one of the brightest shades of red ever.

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