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Watercolor comes in vibrant pigments
Beautiful yet delicate
The smallest amount of water can bring out the most brilliant hues
But the smallest amount of water can pick up the paint and drag it away.

Watercolor can blend into a scene flawlessly
Every brush stroke can be delicate and fragile
But every brush stroke can send paint running down the bristles, until the pigment fades out of existence.

But ink- ink stays
Ink is bold and crisp and sure
Once it touches the paper
It's there forever

Your legacy stays forever.

  I want to make my mark in this crazy, confusing, stressfully beautiful world.  There are so many things I wish I could change, so many things I wish I could take back, so many chances I wish I had taken.  But I'll never be just a streak of watercolor.  I don't want to erase all of my faults and scars and pain.  Because if I just keep on avoiding my mistakes... am I still growing?

  Everything that I've ever done has made me who I am today.  The tears, the laughter, the fear, all of it.  And if I don't accept that, I'll never be who I truly am.

  I paint my flaws in opaque, bold, shining ink.  In a million trillion gazillion colors.  I'm not going to hide them.  I make them part of my picture, part of my story.  Part of my masterpiece.

  Because this is me.

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