Awesome. 33

32 6 35

||The handwriting was slightly neater.||

Dear her awesome journal,

It's me, Mitzi. I'm writing the entry for my 1p since she asked me to. So everything she says, I have to jot down. Starting now:

I'm feeling slightly better, wow, Daniel is a good nurse. Never thought the awesome me would say that. I feel like a slight burden on him.

||The 2p slightly cringed but returned to her stoic expression and continued.||

But, I'll have to thank him later. I'm also very grateful that my 2p's writing this. She's so quiet.

Maybe I'll buy him flowers and a card, I wonder what flowers he likes. Maybe tulips? Hopefully he likes whatever I give him.

I said hopefully. Or cake, everyone loves cake. I know he does.

||Mitzi waited for more words as Julchen blew her nose.||

And now I feel cold, I felt hot before and now I feel cold. Being sick is such a bother.

My 2p has her own journal, Pristacle is so nice to let her have one. Now I can annoy and tease her all over again.

Since I feel better, I feel that tomorrow I'll go back to being healthy. Woohoo!


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2017 Edition ║ Prussian Blue DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now