Chapter 1

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In the midst of Nanamori, Japan lived a wife and her two children (along with all the other residents of this beautiful city). Don't worry! The husband existed too, just that his job, working traffic at construction sites, forced him to stay away from his family. But this didn't mean this family didn't have a great bond, in his eyes anyway. 

The two children were twins, the oldest son name Ieyastu, had inherited his father's blond hair and blue eyes, making him popular with the ladies. This has caused many a fight on Valentines Day, never the less, he enjoyed the fact they were caused over him. Adding to charm with the ladies was his excellence in extra-curricular activities. Not to mention, his academic skills were just above average; this was a perfect man. 

The youngest, Tsunayashi, had inherited his mother's big, chocolate-brown, doe-like eyes that could make even the harshest of serial killers think twice about killing him. His long hair could nearly always be seen in a ponytail, tied at the bottom, this added considerably to his femininity. He had a beautiful, innocent smile that seemed to radiate light and brilliance, but he wasn't as well received by everyone. All the boys saw him as week prey and the girls who thought he looked adorable were scared they would get bullied too if they admitted it.

But like all Tsuna Twinifc's, Tsuna had a secret: he was a hacker.

 It all started when he came from a day from pre-school -late because of his brother's 'friends'- and had found a strange blond man outside his home. 

Tsuna crept forward, after days of hiding from the bullies she had learned how to make the littlest sound possible. This strange man was talking on his phone, "I know, I know! I won't tell my family I'm involved in the Vongolia Familia!" He then added on "Or I'm involved with the mafia!" Tsuna wasn't stupid. She had put two and two together and had realised the family he was talking about were the people who lived in the house; that meant he was her dad, the person she had previously presumed dead with the last time he had visited being a couple of years ago. 

..Now it made sense why a funeral wasn't held.

 Now, what was this 'mafia' and 'Vongolia Familia,' why was it meant to be secret from them and why was it causing this much pain to her papa.

Suddenly her papa pouted "Don't you trust me?!" A sad smile appeared "And anyway... There's no way I'm getting them hurt..." 

Placing her childish mask back on she rushed to him yelling "PAPA!" 

Genuine happiness shone through the supposedly fake mask. 

He looked up "T-Tsuna?!" He knelt and engulfed the incoming child in a massive hug.

 "Eh? Iiiieeeee ehhh! Too TIGHT!"

The person on the phone smiled and hung up, who was he to intrude on this beautiful moment. 

Caught up in the beautiful moment -and the pain of his child- the over-come father had forgotten to ask why she had come home so late, but that was fine, no one ever seemed to ask anyway...

"Let's go in?" He smiled to her

"Mhm!" The girl smiled back, pulling him forwards into the thresh-hold of the house. "Mama!" the child called into the house, the mother ran down fearing something was wrong. Tsuna had come later than usual today.

 Nana froze seeing the person by the doorway, was that... 

It was! 

She ran toward him not caring about anything else: her darling was home.

"Welcome back!" She whispered into his chest,

 "I'm home!"  He said wrapping his arms around her.

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