Chapter 2 | Episode 1

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The birds chirping outside made her shoot up, after becoming a secret hitman/hacker she seemed to wake up at the slightest of sounds except when she was extremely tired, then she slept through anything (this made the author very happy as it was great for plot convenience).

The birds for some reason reminded her of Kyoya, the thought made her laugh: the angry Kyoya with an adorable bird nestling into his head. How cute. 

She remembered the anime she watched last night. What she envisioned seemed as cute as Sebastian with kittens in his arms. Before the thought of Kyoya in a butler suit entered her mind she got changed and jumped out the window.

Coming back after an uneventful run (except from the part where Kyoya chased her aching for a fight, and when she saw Yamamato) she jumped straight back into the window she came from, changed into her uniform and joined her mother in making food. 

What a normal day.

"Ah, thanks for helping me, your food is always the best!" Mama complimented Tsuna, causing her to blush. No matter how many compliments she received from her mother (or anyone in general) she wasn't used to it.

"No problem!" She smiled back, and started to start a British cuisine for today, pretending her voice wasn't crying out in agony after being used so much, night and day. After figuring out singing calmed her flames she always sang when using them.

"Ah, looks like the newspaper's arrived, I'll go check on it okay?" Nana left for the outside world after seeing Tsuna nod her consent.

While going to grab the newspaper the mother noticed another a paper: an advert. When did this get put in here? She looked both ways before reading.

She read 'Are you looking for a tutor? We train your children to become world leaders. Plus, our tutors are young and handsome!'

This would be fantastic!

Maybe Yatsu could improve his acadmic skills and Tsuna could gain some! Or at least show the world she had some.

Humming she walked back into the kitchen, the house was going to be so lively again! Having children in a house always made it exciting.

Seeing her mother walk in with a more enthusiastic aura than before Tsuna had to ask, in the smallest amount of words possible, whether something had happened. "Yep!" her mother chirped in response not explaining what had made her so happy, Tsuna sighed, who was the child here again?

Tsuna looked at the clock and signalled to her mother to wake up Yatsu; it was Monday, the day Nana woke her brother up.

"Yatsu!" Her mother called up the stairs "You'll be late if you don't get up!"

She sighed while climbing up the stairs "What to do..."

The sound of snoring emanated from the first room on the right. His room seemed to be a stark difference from his sister's; instead of the floor being spotless his seemed to be filled with sports equipment and random bits and bobs, instead of having a normal, wooden table with a simple Watermelon laptop resting on top he had a fancy, glass table with balls of different sizes some how not falling off, finally, her room had a baby blue theme whilst his was a dark blue, I guess siblings, no matter how different they seem, are still siblings.

Stopping by the doorway, she placed her hands of her hips as she saw the mess "Your room's a mess like always."

Sighing once more, she gently shook Yatsu, he shot awake "MUM! I've told you NOT to enter my room! EVER!" But by this time, she had started cleaning the mess in his room and found a piece of paper; his test results. "Your test scores are the same as always too," she smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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