Chapter 14- Camp Half-Blood (My Life is SERIOUSLY Messed Up)

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A/N: BTW, this chapter is when I explain Camp Half-Blood. I'm going to describe it as I imagine it, but there is a slight chance I could be off (okay, maybe more than a slight chance. I will definitely be off). Anyway, thanks for understanding!

Au revior!

And I can't work on and post anything new (heads up) until around June 10 because I'm going to be super busy! Sorry:(


Two hours and ten monster attacks later, we arrived at the entrance to camp. Argus stopped, and let us all out.

"Where's he going to go with that van?" I asked Annabeth as we were unloading everybody's bags of Academy clothes.

"Who knows, who cares," replied Annabeth. "He's a secretive guy."

I thanked Argus and turned towards the hill, taking a deep breath. Whatever was on the other side would basically become my new life. Joy.

I started walking up the hill with everybody, then stopped in my tracks. In front of me loomed a gigantic pine tree.

"Umm, Annabeth"- I tapped her shoulder weakly- "what is on that pine tree?"

She snorted. "Pine needles."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I mean, around the tree."

A gigantic copper-scaled dragon sat slumbering, coiled around the base of the tree.

"Oh," Annabeth said casually over her shoulder, "That's Peleus. He gaurds the entrance to camp and Thalia's Pine."

Thalia's pine? I wondered.

Wiley was walking a few feet behind me, and glanced up and saw Peleus. His eyes widened in terror and he screamed really loud.

"Oh my gods you guys watch out it's a dragon run for your lives!!!!!!!!!!!!" He took off back to the van. Everybody laughed. Jason flew over (now I realize that he had control of the wind) and planted himself in front of Wiley. Wiley stopped suddenly. "H-h-h-how did y-y-you get here so q-q-quickly?" he stammered.

Jason grinned. "I can fly. But really, don't be scared of Peleus; he's just a nice old fellow."

Peleus opened one yellow eye to prove it. He snorted and started to sleep again.

Wiley played with his dirty polo, clearly embarrassed. "Well, I was trying to protect you guys. Honest."

"Well, we won't judge. We appreciate an adrenaline spike now and then. It keeps us on our toes." Jason grinned.

I reached the top of the hill and froze. It was around 5, so the sun was beginning to move to the west. It illuminated the camp. "Wow," I breathed.

"Welcome to Camp Half-Blood," announced Percy with a grin. Everybody cheered and took off down the hill. Wiley and Willa joined me at the crest of the hill.

"This... this is amazing!" breathed Willa. I nodded numbly.

Acres of strawberry fields dotted the landscape. There was a huge forest off to the right, which circled around the perimeters of camp. Straight ahead was a large cabin, and what looked like an infirmary sat some thirty feet away. Around the perimeter of the forest was a group of cabins formed in an omega sign. A dining pavilion sat closer to the center of camp, and there was a small building that I assumed was where the dishes and such were cleaned. Bathrooms were next to the pavilion, and sports courts sat in the middle of everything. There was volleyball, basketball, archery, rock climbing. I squinted. Was that...lava? There was even rope ladders and obstacle courses! A huge building stood near a cave, and judging by the sounds of metal clanging, I assumed that was where the sword-practice took place. Behind the large cabin was stables, and I laughed in disbelief as I saw a camper take off on the back of a Pegasus. So they WERE real!

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