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I knew not when you smiled at me
Underneath you were different.
I knew not when you talked to me
You could be so cunning.

Don't mistake me,
I love you still , my friend.
The moon still pulls the tide.
I just fear that
I might be wrong
Maybe you are capable
Of shattering me.

I saw a side of you
A side that got my heart thundering.
You weren't the pretty girl , after all
You were a wolf
Sniffing the Achilles heel
Of my soul.
Sending me spiralling
In waves of drowsiness after you bestowed
Upon me , the sweet drops of honey mixed with
The bitter taste of vinegar
Dissolved in ice cold water
That you threw my way.

You can hurt me now,
Cut my heart if you have it.
The problem is ,
I think I gave it to you.

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