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Annaliese's POV
My phone is blowing up with messages, snapchat, and direct messages. What do they have in common you may ask? They all are apologies. I've been home for about two and a half hours now and the notifications won't stop coming in. I'm trying to ignore them, but they don't stop. It's kind of annoying, but I appreciate that the people are willing to admit that they're wrong. I've also got plenty of messages from my friends telling me that, "you totally won" or "they all just stood there for a couple minutes before everyone got what you said and then the whole cafeteria exploded into sound" or my favorite, "Colin didn't know you knew he was with her. Let's just say he was quite shook." I felt bad that I told everyone, but that was the truth and I also didn't say it directly. I let them figure that out for themselves. Even though I could care less what people think of me, when I'm just acting weird, but it's different when everyone thinks I was the one who cheated on my boyfriend. I would never do that. I know now from experience how it tears apart someone. I never want someone to go through what I experienced this past weekend. Although, I would definitely recommend that people go to the Dolan Twins' Tour. "Oh my," I say to myself. I haven't talked to Grayson since earlier. And that's definitely not the best way to leave him. I call him, but he doesn't answer. He's probably busy, that would make sense. I text him instead, To Gray: hey, so I'm sorry about earlier and I'm doing better now, part of thanks to you. 😊
I smile and then realize that it's Tuesday and they should've posted today. I go to YouTube and get upset when I see that they do have a new video posted and my notifications were too slow. I read the title. 'Well this is going to be quite interesting.' I think to myself while I hit play.
About ten minutes later, and I'm really glad they posted the video. I laughed way too hard with Ethan's nickname and I thought it was really sweet how Grayson dressed up as Ken just for his girlfriend. It made me realize that he would probably be the best boyfriend. He's already an amazing friend and we haven't even been friends for that long. I shake the feeling off and go upstairs to get a snack. Peanut butter and apples. I'm putting the PB away when my doorbell rings. I sigh. I have no idea who this could be and I kind of get upset because I don't want to have to deal with people. I tell my dog to sit, and stay, away from the actual entrance, and go to open it. I brace myself for someone from school, but am greeted instead with a brown- haired, brown- eyed, perfect smiling new friend.
"Hey...," Grayson says awkwardly.

Grayson's POV
"I can't believe I did this," I tell Ethan as we pull up to her house.
"Honestly, I don't know how you managed to convinced me to do this," he tells me back. "I think it's because I actually want to see her again. I miss her sarcastic comments and I haven't really texted her as much as you have. You've been stealing precious Annaliese texting time," he teases me.
"Is this even her house?" I ask him.
"I literally have no idea. You're the one who put in an address. So, if you just pulled into a strangers driveway, then you're paying the ticket we'll get."
"Ha ha. Very funny," I say sarcastically. But he realizes how nervous I actually am and says, "hey you'll be fine. Look, that's her, so we're good." He points to a girl walking around her kitchen. The window is perfectly lined up to see her. She's just walking around, and she has absolutely no idea anyone sees her. This is her naturally. She's dancing a little, it's like she's dancing to a song in her head, which proves that she's a music nerd.
"GRAYSON!" Ethan yells and snaps me out of my thoughts. He already out of the car, waiting for me. I take the key out and get out of the car. We walk up to the front door together, which gives me time to look at her house now. It's not huge, it's a nice, average size house. It's brick, which would match her 'cobblestone lane,' which is the name of her street. It's a brown and red, with cute little decorations out in the lawn. We walk up to the door and I ring the doorbell. I hear shuffling inside and want to just turn around and head back. What the heck is she going to think that I literally showed up to her house? I got her text tat she was better 20 minutes ago, but it's jut like I could've turned around and went back. I hear her muffled voice say something but don't knew what. And then the door is opened and she's standing there, in shorts and a t-shirt.
"Hey...," I say more awkward then I wanted to. And before she can respond to Ethan and I just randomly showing up to her house, E says, "Surprise!" Accompanied with some nice jazz hands. She laughs her perfect laugh and I immediately feel better.

For Only You: A Grayson Dolan Fanfic (completed)Where stories live. Discover now