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Ashley's POV:

I was in my room drawing sketches of the isle, I always wanted to go there but my father forbid me his words were

"Ashley the isle isn't for princesses like you!" And he keept on preaching that in my ears

To be honest I hate being a princess they always expect you to know what to do and what not to do. The only thing I love about being a princess are the shoes and clothen nothing else.

But my sister on the other hand Amanda she loves being a princess and is eargly waiting until she turns 20 to be crowded Queen, I'm so glad I'm the youngest

A couple minutes later my sister came into my room.

"Ash mom and dad wants to see us in the throne room now!"

I groaned they call for family meetings at the worst time ever "What for?" I asked her raising my head from my sketch book

She rolled her eyes "They never said why just come on" she walked out the room and I followed.

In the throne room.

Both me and my sister stood their like statues next to each other waiting for our parents to give a speech or something

"You called for us father" Amanda said to break the tension

"Yes I did" he Said looking at both of us then at my mom

Then my mother Said to us "Your father and I called both you and your sister here because we got one of you engaged to the son of Kristoff"

I giggled and nugged Amanda's arm knowing that it was her who was engaged since she's the oldest but little did I know that I was wrong....so wrong

"And which one of us did you wed to Kristoff's son mother" I asked her

She smiled and me and said "You Ashley we choose you"

"WAIT WHAT!" I practically screamed out loud

"Lower your voice young lady" she said to me

I lowered my voice "I'm sorry Mom but I disagree to this marriage"

"Why?" My father asked

"Because I don't want to get married not now not ever!"

My mother came down from her throne and stood in front of me

"Ashley your father and I are doing this for your own good... besides we picked your sister but he refused her he said he wanted you"

I looked at her in total disbelief getting married was for my own good, she's saying this as if I sneak out at night and go to parties, which I don't all I ever wanted was to go to the isle......but wait this could be my one chance to actually go so I did what I had too

"I know your doing this for my own good mother and I agree to get married to who ever you arranged it with"

She smiled "Good choice dear we'll let kristoff know that you agree"

She said walking off but I stopped her "you didn't let me finish...I'll get married only if you let both me and Amanda spend one whole year on the isle only then will I get married"

She seemed a bit shocked, she looked at my father then Amanda then back at me

"Okay Ashley we agree with your condition" After she said that, that day became the happiest day of my life.

So what do you guys think?


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2017 ⏰

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