A beautiful thought

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I had the most wonderful thought in the shower. I was thinking about a fanventure I wanted to write and this popped into my mind. For now I'm calling the characters j and h

J walks into an open area with a park bench and sits down dejectedly. H is also sitting on the bench. J does not notice her

H: Came here to think? J sits up with a start, realizing the other's presence, H laughs. It's all fine.  I come around this place a bit too much. So then, what landed you in this corner of the dreambubbles?

J: sighing Murder, possession, attempted murder.

H: Hm. Shorter track record than me. J looks up in shock. What? Didn't know you were talking to the Demoness? It's alright. Not that many people thought I'd get here. She sighs it's at times like these I remember the one good thing that awful man said. What was it again? She hums a little, Right, "We're all a little broken inside. Can't start throwing words around until you've felt the other's pain." Something like that.

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