ㅈcuddly giant

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byun92 and yodalicious are online

yodalicious: what happened?

yodalicious: i barely even got to say hi

byun92: well you're intimidating

yodalicious: i'm just a cuddly giant i swear

byun92: it's not the height that bothers me

yodalicious: then what is it, bby?

byun92: does anyone know that you go both ways?

yodalicious: yes...

yodalicious: you

byun92: so nobody else knows?

yodalicious: why do they need to know?

yodalicious: you're all that matters to me

yodalicious: as a friend

byun92: seRiouSly, ChaNyEol?

yodalicious: as best friends?

byun92: ...

yodalicious: as boyfriends?

byun92: ...

yodalicious: as fuckbuddies?

byun92: I was talking about how you're not out

yodalicious: of course haha hahahaha hahahahahaahahaha

yodalicious: anyway


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