She Devils of Europa (Bulays and Ghaavn 3) - Tara Loughead

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She Devils of Europa

Tara Loughead

Smashwords Edition

Copyright 2010 Tara Loughead

For Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson

"Working holiday?"

"I'm afraid so, Bulays." Ghaavn smiled. "Look on the bright side, though. It isn't often someone offers you a complete stay at the most expensive resort in the Solar System. Plus, Deena and Schteve are included." Ghaavn patted the forearm of the latter man; as they strolled along the boardwalk, arm in arm.

"You don't think it's because Daul Joan still fancies you, love?" Ghaavn grinned.

"Oh course she does!" Schteve piped up. "Doesn't everybody?"

"No!" Deena replied, her arm around the waist of the tall blonde woman at her side. She pulled Bulays in close, then tilted her head up, ocular visor gleaming, to steal a quick kiss.

Bulays grinned. "Apparently your charms are not infallible, then."

Ghaavn reached over and swatted his partner. "That's enough. We're almost there." The ostentatious marble entrance to The Europa indeed loomed close. The elegantly casual quartet entered, checked their coats, and went in search of a drink.


The heavyset native Europan chief bartender filled their orders. "Daul Joan has left an account for us, I believe," he told the bartender.

The formally attired man nodded. "Yes sir. She told me you'd be here this evening. Even told me your favourite drinks."

"A nice touch, thank you." Ghaavn said.

A handsome, statuesque woman approached, smiling. "This way, please. There is a booth reserved for you."

Bulays brought up the rear, as they complied. The maitre d' was clearly also local, from the way she moved, and her solid, muscular frame.


Finished with their meal, Ghaavn caught his partner's attention. "I haven't seen any sign yet of what Joan asked us to look for. We need to take a walk."

Bulays rose, stepped out of the booth, and smoothed her skirt. "Wait here," she told Deena, giving her a quick peck on the cheek. "Have another drink. Make it as expensive as you can."

Deena nodded, and Ghaavn exited as well, bending to whisper in Schteve's ear before he left, arm linked with Bulays.

As their escorts moved out of earshot, Deena sighed. "Left behind again."

"True," replied the slender bespectacled man. "The price we pay for being friends with a couple of action heroes." He paused briefly. "However, this time we are spared necromancers and ancient goddesses in favour of a mind bogglingly expensive Venusian brandy I've always wanted to try."

Deena laughed. "Make it two, then."


Bulays and Ghaavn perambulated around the building, arm in arm, watching keenly, until a snide male voice behind them spoke. "Joan letting the lower classes in now then, is she?"

Ghaavn turned to regard the seated long-faced, sour-eyed man. Bulays pulled apart from his partner, eyes narrowing, as Ghaavn replied. "Hello Gebriahl. Still as charming as ever, I see. You missed us, then? Surprised you can afford your meal, after our last visit."

Gebriahl stopped talking, seething. "Joan'll probably let you do dishes, if you need to make up the difference." Bulays entered cheekily.

Gebriahl waved them away, turning back to his dinner. The pair linked arms again and walked off.

She Devils of Europa (Bulays and Ghaavn 3) - Tara LougheadWhere stories live. Discover now