ch 10=Hanging out with Hayden💙💜Day 2💙💜

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Annie's Pov
We got to City Walk and Hayden kept trying to convince me to go into the fountains with him and I won't go he runs around the fountain like a crazy person. I'm just standing here laughing at him that I didn't notice him pick me up and carry me into the fountains he puts me down and I run out still laughing. He asks me for a hug and I hug him then he picks me up again and carry me into the fountains again when we got in the fountains this time he didn't put me down he finally let me go then ran straight out and left me there the water went down then I ran out. After I got out my phone started to ring. I checked it and saw I was getting a call from my mom. This is our conversation

Mommy:Annie you need to come home


Mommy:Because you need to come home

Annie:But why

Mommy:Because I'm your mother and I said so

Annie:But I'm having fun

Mommy:Oh really


Mommy:Ok well I know your hanging out with Hayden but you can hang out with him tomorrow

Annie:Yeah I guess

Mommy:Ok well come home ok


Mommy:Bye Annie

Annie:Bye mommy

Annie:Well I guess I have to go home

Hayden:Well do you want me to walk you



We walk to my house just talking and getting to know each other better

When we got my house and we kinds just stare into each other's eyes for a minute then I break the silence by saying this...

Annie:Well goodnight Hayden

Hayden:night Annie. You wanna hang out tomorrow



Then we hug and I go inside god I love Hayden

Hayden's Pov
When we got to Annie's we kinda stared in each other's eyes for a minuet until she broke the silence by saying this...

Annie:Well goodnight Hayden

Hayden:Night Annie. You wanna hang out tomorrow



Then we hugged and she went inside god I love Annie

Annie's Pov
Again Hayley was on the couch when I walk in. So like the last time I walked over to her and started a conversation

Annie: Hey Hay Hay

Hayley: Hey Annie, How was your day

Annie: It was good all except mommy had to call me and tell me to come home, I didn't want to but mommy made me and now I'm sad because I was having fun but anyways enough to of that how was your day

Hayley: Wow. I just say in my room all day and played on my phone and watched T.V or came down here and got a snack

Annie: nice did you hang out with Jayden today

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