I Love A Red Neck (The Walking Dead Story)

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Hey I’m Blade, weird name I know right, but everyone calls me blay, my parents wanted a guy, Here’s my story, my father was abusive, mothers dead, I’ve been alone ever since I was 7. I’m 22 now. I trust no one, I barley talk, I’m still alone even after the world went to shit, over runned by zombies or as I call them walkers. My weapon is a crossbow and axe.

That’s all you gatta know bye.

Blades POV

I wake up to voices near by and groaning of walkers, I blink my blue eyes shimmering in the sun. A few seconds later, a guy with long reddish looking hair with a crossbow and a guy in a cops suit walk by. I go to grab my bow but it slips and falls to the ground I curse loudly and their heads jerk up towards me. My eyes widen slightly as the guy with the cross bow raises his bow at me, and the guy in the cop uniform says “I’m Rick, Rick Grims, Please come down from the tree and tell us yours name.” I slowly get down from the tree, eyeing the guy with the cross bow, say “He better tell me his before I open my goddamn mouth.”  The guy roles his eyes mumbling “Daryl, my names Daryl” I smirks slightly, hands on my ax witch is in my belt loop. “Blade, but everyone calls me blay.”

Rick nods eyeing my hands and says “Why Don’t you come back to the farm with us, there are many of seviors, food and shelter.” I bite my lip thinking, staring at the ground. Daryl speaks up, taking me out of my thoughts “But we have three questions for you, one have you been bit?” I shake my head no. “How many zombies have you killed?” I look up at him, saying, “I lost count.” I state firmly, he nods slightly “how many people have you killed?” I look away biting my lip, saying “Lost count of that to.’ I state again truthfully as all the memories flood my mind. Rick cleared is throught snapping me out of my thoughts again. I look up at both of them, “I guess I’ll um come with you guys.” They both nod, I lean down and grab my bow, and I grab a bag from behind the tree, filled with clothes, arrows’ and a knife. We all walk back to the farm, as we get closer, I bite my lip as everyone looks up at me.  I hear someone yell “DAD.” I look up, seeing a little kid running toward rick, and hug him. The kid looks at me smiling and says “Hi I’m Carl, who are you?” I smile slightly “Blade but calls me Blay.” He hugs me next and I stiffen but hug back. He grabs my hand, bringing me to the group around the fire, introducing me to everyone, after a few seconds, everyone bursts out into whispers about me. Feeling awkward, not wanted, I get up and walk towards the woods, feelings everyone’s eyes on my back. I walk into to the woods and sits against a tree. Maybe I shouldn’t have come here, I’m not wanted. I hear footsteps, my head jerks up, my blonde and brown hair flying in my face, cross bow raised. Sighs in relief, as I see Carl walking toward me. I slowly put my bow down. He comes over to me and sits down looking sad; he looks me straight in the eye. “Don’t leave please.” I sigh, and about to look away, but he frowns he frowns even more, so I don’t. “I’m not wanted here, I can tell carl.” His mouth twearks,  “NO they don’t Blay, they’ll warm up to you, your like Daryl, They all warmed up to him, besides, I think Daryl might have a liking to you.” He smiles slightly. Our heads jerk up as we hear or coursing of moaning, both of ours widen as we see a whole group of walking toward us.  We look at each other, then we get up, I grab his hand, both of us running toward the farm yelling, “WALKERS, EVERYBODY, WE GOT WALKERS.”

 Everybody looks at us look at us like were crazy, then they hear their moans, and quickly gets and running around grabbing weapons. Carl and I get to everyone, I let go of his hand. We all look towards the wood and I hear rick say, “There’s to many of them, we got to get out of hear, NOW.” I see Daryl grab my stuff, putting it his truck.  I look at Carl, “Go with your mom and dad.” He’s about to protest, I give him the glare, he nods going to rick.  After a few seconds everyone goes their separate ways. I feel someone grab my arm roughly, dragging me to a truck, I yank my arm out of whoevers grip, turn to glare at them, noticing its Daryl.  He backs off grunting, and gets in his truck.  He looks at me, “I aint got all day.” I sigh and get in too and he takes off.   I sit their head on window, tapping my fingers on the door. Daryl glares at me, clearly telling me to stop, I role my eyes and sit still. I close my slowly drifting off into sleep. I wake up to being violently shaked; I rise up my fists and punch who ever it is. I hear the scream “AH SHIT WHAT THE HELL.” My eyes fly open, to see Daryl with a broken nose. My eyes widen and I mumble; “sorry.”  I get out of the truck, going to the back, opining the tailgate, I open my bag grapping a shirt. I hop down; go to the side of the truck, facing the woods. I slide my shirt off about to put my other shit on. Till I feel fingers tracing my scars on my shoulder and back. My whole body stiffens

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