Chapter 2

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Daryl’s POV

I walk to the side of the truck facing the woods; I look up to see Blay only in her bra, with out thinking about what I’m doing. I move closer, seeing her back and shoulders covered in scars and my eyes widen. Before I can even stop my self, I reach up tracing each scar, I feel her body stiffen under my touch, cause me to stiffen too. I snatch my hand back and walk off the other way. ‘What the hell Daryl.’ I thought to my self.

Blades POV

What the hell was that about, Blay you cant get close to anyone. I put the other shirt on, and my leather jacket and my Chicago beanie on. I hear a little kid voice say; “Blay where’s Blay?  I walk out to see Carl asking where I am. Rick points to over where I am, his face brightens up, and he takes off running toward me full speed. He runs into me wrapping his arms around my waist, and I stumble back slightly wrapping my arms around him. His sheriff hat falls off as he bary’s his face in my chest. I kiss the top of his head. I wasn’t supposed to get attached to anything. But this kid makes it hard not to. I lay my head on his. Everyone’s watching by now. I see Lori tear up, and Rick smiling like an idiot. Daryl looks jealous, and everyone else is just watching and smiling.

Daryl’s POV

I hear Carl asking where Blay was, I see Rick point to where she is, his face completely brightens up, and he takes off full speed at her, he crashes into her wrapping his arms around her, she stumbles back wrapping her arms around him. He buries his face in her chest making his hat fall off; she bends down kissing the top of his head, and lays her head on his. ‘Man I wish that was me.” I shake my head at that thought. I bite my lip hard, kind jealous. I shake my head again.  I hear Carol say “Why is he so excited to see her, He’s never been so happy, only one time when rick came back.” I look at her raising an eyebrow. She shakes her head; “I don’t trust her, I don’t have a good feeling bout her, the way she walks, dresses, acts, she try’s to act all tough, but in reality she’s all broken up inside. Hell I haven’t even heard her talk.” My eyes narrow at her glaring; “So this is the bitchy side of Carol? Well I don’t like it, cause guess what, I can tell by the look in her eyes, she’s scared to get close, scared of her past, scared she going to get hurt again, want to know how I know all this, cause I was like that, I still am, she’s tough, cause she’s still hear after what she went threw, she keeps strong after what she went threw, Carl is the first step to opening up, so you know what, you think you went threw so much with Ed? Then try to live her life. Just go to hell for all I care.” I say, her eyes widen in surprise and frowns, and I stalk off toward Rick. He looks at me then back and Blay. “You didn’t have to be so harsh on Carol.” He said. I snorted; “She didn’t see what I saw a few minutes ago, She judging the girl before she gets ta know her, HELL look at her and Carl, Carl’s never been attached to someone like that besides you, now that’s got ta say something, and u can see in her eyes she’s trying not ta get attached, but Carl’s making that really hard, hell she wanted to leave before, but Carl stopped her, HELL when those walkers attacked the farm, she cam back for US to tell us there coming, she’s trust worthy, and loyal I wish yall  would see that.” 

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