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"Attention all crew, do not panic or attack the approaching ship. Aquarian allies are here to recover our guest. Repeat: all crew are to not panic or attack."

"Did that say Aquarian allies? The hell are they talking about?"

Mathew and Sapphire hurried past a small group of conversing crew members. She turned to him as they neared the elevator, "What were they thinking Jumping so close to us? Do they not know what ally means?" Mathew moved his fingers against his leg as if he were typing, "They do....they just wanted to show their superiority. They'd never intentionally put their Princess in danger."

The elevator doors opened with a hiss of air and they stepped off, nearly walking into Daniel and the Aquarian princess.
"Woah watch where you're going! Oh! Hey Mat! We were looking for you." The two pilots noticed the expression on Lii'anra's face and realized she had been dragged all around the ship. She noticed them staring and rolled her sapphire eyes, "Can I help you or are you two just going to stand there staring at me? Maybe you think he wants to join with another alien?" Sapphire shook her head apologetically, "No. We...well we thought that you looked irritated since the captain seems to have dragged you all over the ship just to annoy you." Lii'anra quickly glared at Daniel , "I really don't know how she fell for a v'randrat like you." Daniel chuckled and smirked at her, "It's because I'm handsome and charming." She groaned in annoyance then grabbed Sapphire's arm and dragged her down the hall.

"Where are we going?"

Lii'anra continued to stomp onward in frustration, "Back to the bridge, but I need an escort or you humans will more than likely shoot me by 'mistake'."

Daniel and Mathew watched them go then followed after them at a much slower pace. "You probably shouldn't aggravate her as much as you're doing. She might try to kill you after all of this." He turned to Mathew and chuckled, "Eh she's family, she'll warm up to me. Anyways more importantly I saw Ma checking on you, is everything alright? Nothing is malfunctioning, right?" Mathew shook his head, "No, nothing to worry about. But a bigger issue is you need to talk to Daniels before we get called into combat. Since that meeting he might actually shoot you in the back. His file said his brother was killed in an Aquarian assault a few years ago. I think you should just tell everyone and come clean to the crew, especially the ones under your command. You won't like it when they undermine you or challenge you, maybe call you traitor and shoot you in the back or not even have your back. So talk to them after we deal with that ship." He begrudgingly nodded in agreement, "Alright, alright. I'll talk to the team....is there any one else I need to worry about?" Mathew shook his head, "No. Just the usual patriot for their race... well except Valentine, but you know the history of his family. So he's fighting to bring honor to that name of his. Anything else you want to know?" Daniel scratched the back of his head, "Since you know every damn thing, I'll have to ask at some point. But right now I want to see this shield up close!" He gleefully hurried to catch up with Lii'anra so he could see the princess's ship quicker.
Mathew looked around then sighed and ran after him, "Wait for me!"

Captain Shepard turned towards the doorway as Lii'anra walked onto the bridge with Lt Sapphire dragged closely behind, "Princess we were just about to call for you, I hope you and Captain Locke had an enjoyable walk." The two were quickly followed by Daniel and Mathew, "Why would they Jump so close to us? They do realize you're on this ship, right?" She looked at Mathew and pointed to the communications control panel, "I can ask but no matter the response I'm going to flo'nd them. I also assume "Jump" is your term for D'rand? Otherwise, I'm very confused by your language." Fox hurried over, ready to hand out information on the matter, "It's short for Faster than Light Interspacial Hyper Jump. And since that's a mouthful we just call it a Jump." Lii'anra became interested after learning something new, "We say "D'rand Noc", which in your language is "Warp Light"."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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