2 | Aphrodite

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t r i n i t y

I raise a delicate eyebrow. "Having fun, boys? Great. Now get the fuck out of my way."

An internal smile kindles at the stunned, helpless expression of the boy. I roll my eyes, pushing past him to get to the bar and ordering my drinks.

"Be nice, West, the kid's a Firefly virgin." Felix McAdams campaigns, pushing his way to my side, smiling at me from under his veil of gold and black dreadlocks. Felix must've adopted another of the inexperienced teens that wander in here, all desperate for a way to get their hands on a gram of bud.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, McAdams." I reply, not bothering to look at him as I take the two bottles of beer from the bar and chuck Vanessa a fiver.

"That's my girl." Felix grins.

I walk away, sipping from my beer and licking my lips. My tongue runs over the rough scar from my split lip, and my eyes automatically stray to the dark bruises along my knuckles. I tighten my grip on the necks of the bottles.

This time of night – although I'm uncertain of what the time actually is – the Firefly is full with jostling people, not one of them sober. The dark blue walls of the long, low-ceilinged room are plastered with old posters, which change colour with the flashing carousel of the strobe lights. I push through the dancing silhouettes of the surrounding teenagers, making my way to the front beside the DJ stand. Hazel stands waiting for me, discussing something philosophical with the stoned boy at her side.

She turns to me as I arrive, her face illuminating like a struck lighter. Her soft, freckled features are free of makeup except a sprinkle of glitter on her cheekbones. She squints for a second, surveying me, and frowns. Flicking an escapee blonde curl out of her eyes, she asks, "you okay?"

I respond without hesitation. "Who gives a fuck. I don't wanna be 'okay', I want to go freaking insane." I give her a flash of white teeth, taking a long swig from my beer.

She chuckles, shaking her head. "Trin, you're already insane. What you mean to say is you want to feel everything, and therefore nothing at all."

I roll my eyes, but I can't deny the truth in her words. To everyone else here, I'm an enigma. But Hazel Marianne Grey can translate my every action and my every cryptic word. "You read my mind."

"As always. By the way, Damon wanted to talk to you." She tells me, nodding towards the DJ set up.

I turn follow her gaze just as DJ Demon puts on a new track. I step up to the pedestal where he stands behind the decks, headphones around his throat like a shackle. He grins at me, as much mischief in his eyes as piercings in his ears.

I hand him the second bottle of beer, and he cracks it open with his teeth, spitting the bottle-top and taking a drink. "Much appreciated, Trinity." He licks his lips, smiling slyly.

I raise an eyebrow. "My pleasure." I hook my fingers into the belt-loops of his ripped jeans, pulling him close and touching a daring kiss onto his lips. His body is warm, and I honestly don't give a flying shit who's watching us.

"Jesus, Trin. If I'm a demon, then you're the bloody devil."

I smirk. "Melodramatic as always. Now, are we gonna have fun tonight, or just stand around like all the other sad pricks in here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2018 ⏰

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