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Wisdom begins with wonder

Bright blue eyes shone with childish wonder as they stared at the television screen, enthralled by the narrative that followed the young maiden named Cinderella. Every day the young boy would watch a different Disney movie in his family's collection.The variety of many great characters; the beautiful, diverse worlds; the crazy adventures that told beautiful stories; Roxas loved them all.

These plots that pulled at your heartstrings like no other story could, at least in the young boy's opinion, struck the seven-year-old in a certain way. Not in the sense where he wanted to be like the characters portrayed, unlike many other children his age. He didn't want to be a dashing prince or some courageous hero who'd save the day.


He wanted to be someone taking part in creating these wondrous stories and characters that he adored.

His passions derived from the weekly movie nights his father, Cid, spontaneously decided to arrange one night. Cid wasn't home often due to his job, but he made an effort to create a bond with his sons.  Even if it was quite trivial, he thought this movie night idea was the best way to achieve his goals and his intuition couldn't be more correct. It was even a little too effective in Roxas' case.

It had become one of Roxas' fondest memories. He got to sit on the sofa, curled up next to his brothers and his father in a large fuzzy blanket, watching movies he grew to love. They'd munch on popcorn while laughing or crying, simply enjoying each other's company. He didn't even mind it when his older brother, Cloud, starting to bring his girlfriend, Tifa, along to watch these movies he held so dearly.

Feeling a tight grip on his shirt sleeve broke Roxas' trance. He turned to look at his brother Ventus who was teary-eyed. He always cried during these parts of the movie. However, the youngest of the Highwinds didn't seem to mind that he was missing his movie, he felt the need to comfort his twin. Ventus was always there for him, so he wanted to do the same.

Roxas pulled the other seven-year-old into a tight hug, murmuring soft reassurances to Ventus. Although younger, by about 5 minutes, Roxas always comforted his more sensitive brother whether it be after watching sad movies or someone picking on him during school. He would always be there for him.

Holding onto each other tightly, the two boys who looked almost identical fell asleep on their couch furled in a warm blanket. However, when Roxas woke up that morning he wasn't on his couch anymore. He found himself apart from his brother, strapped in the back seat of an unfamiliar van. He rubbed his tired eyes, looking out of the small window.

The bright orange that faded to baby blue lead the young Highwind to believe that it was early morning. But why were they leaving their home at this time? He furrowed his brow as he tried to look at who was driving, but he was too far back. But seeing Cloud and Tifa comforted the male and stifled his anxiety. He tapped the couple's shoulder before starting to whisper.

"Where are we going?"

"Don't worry about it, you'll have a lot of fun," Tifa answered him gently, ruffling his messy locks of hair.

"'Kay," Roxas simply murmured in response, still skeptical. But he didn't want to be a bother, so he left the couple to their whims.

The young boy sat back down, huffing softly. He didn't like secrets, but he knew he wasn't going to get anything out from anyone. He looked to his right to see Prompto between him and Ventus who was asleep, curled up next to Prompto like a cat in her nook.

It wasn't like the middle child of the Highwind's minded though. He seemed to enjoy being their brother. Though he was a chubbier than everyone else and needed glasses, he fit right in even if he didn't quite look like everyone else.

Roxas wouldn't trade Prompto for anyone else in the world.

Finding himself bored, Roxas fell back into a light-slumber. He didn't feel like talking and the fact that he wouldn't get any answers heightened his sudden disinterest in talking. His nap lasted for about an hour before waking up atop Clouds shoulders. He turned to face Ventus, who was now awake sitting atop the final Highwind brother, Gula's, shoulders.

They were somewhere completely new, but this time, Roxas was actually excited. Although there were so many stranges bunched together closely in these large lines. As soon as he saw the big letters spelling out "DISNEYLAND" everything changed.

Those bright sapphire eyes of his, sparkled like they never had before in his life. He snapped his head over to Ventus who seemed to have about the same amount of excitement as him. He couldn't believe it. Cid actually took them here! He said he'd think about it, but he actually did it!

"Cloud is this why you couldn't tell me?" Roxas inquired

This drew a soft laugh from his older sibling, "Of course. If we told you, then we wouldn't get to see your face light up like a Christmas tree."

"Now Cloud, don't be mean," shot Tifa, retorting his teasing.

The teenagers continued to have their playful banter as Roxas began conversing with his other siblings. It seemed as though everyone was here for different reasons. Gula was here to meet with his friend Ava. This made Ventus coo at him asking Gula all kind of silly invasive questions.

"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Who knows?"

"How do you know her?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"Do you love her?"


Ventus didn't seem to mind his brother's retorts. In fact, it seemed that any vague answer seemed to appease him.

Prompto, on the other hand, was going to walk around with Cid. Apparently, Prompto was off to meet with his best friend Noctis. This wasn't abnormal for the boy, besides Roxas figured Prompto was too old to ride the sort of rides they were going on anyways.

"So, you're saying it's only going to be me and Roxy?" Ventus asked with teary eyes.

"No, no, silly. Cloud and I will be with you. How could we let you cuties be all alone?" Tifa cooed., before gently lifting the boy off Gula's shoulders and into her arms.

This made the male cheer up almost immediately and hug the raven-haired-woman tightly.

The family continued their playful banter, even Cid started to join in on the conversation. It was a beautiful sight to behold. A whole family truly bonding and getting along.

Alas, it felt as if their togetherness had been put to an end too quickly when they finally entered the gates of the park. Gula immediately said his farewells to join Ava and his other friends. Cid and Prompto followed suit as soon as they had seen Noctis and his parents.

Now all who were left were the three siblings and Tifa.

Roxas looked over Clouds head to peer down at the map. Was he trying to think of where to go? Roxas looked up, away from the map to face the road ahead. It didn't take him long to realize there was a big castle directly ahead and start asking Cloud to start heading there.

He was extremely excited to see all of this place! Maybe a little too much.

"Cloud let me down! Let me down!" Roxas chirped, practically bouncing to get off. It was quite uncharacteristic for the young boy, but he didn't care!

He was at Disneyland!

Cloud laughed and put the boy down who then grabbed his hand and practically dragged Cloud to the first ride he could see.

"Roxas wait you're going to-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2017 ⏰

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