One Night

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"Don't be a woman that needs a man; be a woman a man needs"
           - unknown


I must be drunk cause this nigga is looking too good right now. I will love the company. He such a gentleman and I need that in my life. I go for the thugs because there are the only ones who can handle my weed habits. Always the goodie goodies look down on me and call me a pothead. But I can quit for him....maybe

"No don't go. I have the VIP to my self. You can join me. " It was the liquor talking. I really trying something new here. Usually, I go to the club to sit in the corner, get fucked up, go home and smoke a blunt and go to sleep. This time I'm going to hang out with a stranger.

" Sure, it's my birthday you know. By the way, my name is Deion." He took my handshake. I just looked at it. This nigga is too corny.

"Oh, I'm Kendall and happy birthday."

The music seems so far away from us in the VIP section. We talked and laugh while everyone in the background goes on with their lives until we got interpreted by a rude ass nigga.

"Oh, shit. Left your ass for a minute and you made it to the VIP with this fine drink of water."

I was about to punch this nigga in the face until Deion assure me this was his friend he came with. He leans over so softly and asks can his friend join us. I didn't care either way. Deion voice was warm and comforting. What every he doing to me it is working. Also being turned up on this bottle doesn't help either. He was tall, light-skinned, polite and have a very pretty smile. You can tell he takes care of himself. I think I can get used to corny.

"So what are you doing after this? asked his friend. I looked annoyed already. But I cool my temper as soon as Deion touch my lap.

"Nowhere really, back to my place... I guess.." I don't know why I answer that question. Most time, I will respond saying none of your business niggas.

"No, it is my birthday. We can go to the waterfront, stop to get something to eat. But we are not going home." He seems happy naming all the activity that we can do tonight. I have not been to Va Beach in a minute and it is nice out not too cold or too warm to walk the beach.

"I will love to hit the oceanfront," I said with a foolish look on my face.

"Well that's it, we going stop at Waffle house to get something to eat then we hit the beach." Lance got up quickly to let us know he is ready to go. He walked over to the bar and took a girl's hand and walked out the door and she followed him too. Damn it is just that easy. He is not bad looking. 6'5 chocolate with the smile and body to match. But he is too arrogant for me. He probably has a wife or chick at home waiting for him.


I'm glad I came out tonight. I have a fine lady with me on my arms walking out of the club.

"I follow you to waffle house." She stood there looking into my eyes. She so beautiful when the light hit her creamy brown face. Her body is perfect. She looks like she works out and pampers her self. She walked over to an all black 2016 Yukon with chrome rims. Damn, please god this is not her nigga car.

"What about this, I can ride with you and Lance take my car." I walk towards her car as I got closer I threw my keys to Lance while he still
had his arms around the chick he picked up in the club. I gave him a wink and head to her car.

I hopped in her ride. It was all black leather with wood trimming. Touch screen navigation and a sound system that you can hear down the street. I'm loving her style for real. My type of Queen.

"Are you okay to drive" I look her in her eyes. Damn she look good behind the wheel. Down boy. She needs to feel comfortable around me.

"You know what. I'm kinda tipsy. I'm trusting you with my car". She hopped out and walked around the front of the car like a cat attacking their prey. I was so lost in thought I did notice her by my side of the door. I hopped down and kiss her hand and made my way to the driver side. I'm still feeling nice so, I whipped the shit out of her car to show her I can handle myself in the streets.

The ride to waffle house was the best time I ever had. I learn so much about her. She is smart, runs her own business, no kids, and a pothead. She is so funny too. I didn't want the ride to end. I can sit in this car forever looking into her eyes and smile.

Before we stepped out of the car, she stops me and gave me a wet and soft kiss. It last forever. Well, that's what it felt like. I have never been kissed like this before. I'm always the one pushing for affection and I was often told I am too clingy. But she took my lips into mines and took control of my tongue. I guess we both tipsy but I felt much more.

We ate at waffle house with all laughs and fun. We had fun with the cooks and the waitresses. I never had so much fun in my life. I always been the responsible one and never hanged out. But right now I feel like I'm in my 20s again. She getting along with my buddy Lance, that we all decide to all ride to the waterfront together in her car.

The ride to the beach was like rebels on the run. Screaming out the cars on the highway, smoking weed and taking shots of the half bottle that I and Lance had earlier. We parked the car in the parking lot off the strip. She took off her heels and pulled out some flats in the back seat.

The air was still warm but the cold is coming soon. On the strip at Va Beach, it will still be jumping in the summertime but too crowded for me. In the fall the strip is for the locals only. Still, have bars open and the beach is open all night.

We walked hand and hand along the shore with beach sands on our feet." What are looking for in a man?" I asked trying to find out what she in too. She laughs and looks far off the water.

"Someone who wants to love me for me. I was told I was difficult and demanding. Someone funny and honest. That's it" she stops in her tracks and kisses me again. It was getting more passionate. I want to throw her on the sand right now but I just hold on to her. For a moment we became one. I think she is comfortable around me now. Or it is just the liquor?

Thank guys for the love......enjoy

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