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Marvel Signs on New Actress, Who is she?
By: Liam Hart

Marvel just recently signed Y/N Padalecki as one of the new villains in Avengers: Infinity War. Padalecki says she's never played a villain before, and that this will be new for numerous people.

"I've never played someone who likes to hurt people, I mean, me as a person I'm not like that. But when you act, you turn into someone else." She states earlier in an interview. Which is very true, the 20 year old is soft hearted and has a smile on her face. Nothing seems to faze her, let's just all hope she becomes what the world expects her to become.

New and upcoming movies
Jared on new Supernatural cast
Y/N's got a celebrity crush!?

Hey Mom! Guess what!?


I got the part!! 😜😁

Oh my goodness! You're joking right?

No! I wouldn't joke about this!

That's amazing! We have to celebrate! Do you know who you're playing as?

I don't, but yes! We'll celebrate tonight since I start in three days.

Did you tell your father?

No, I can.

How about let's surprise him? 😜

Alright 😂
Read: 3:56 pm

Yay! Another update! Please continue to read! Love you all!

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