Double Date

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Aww Aso go on a date with oko and Ayano go on a date with taro

Aso: YAS! Finally a dare I like!

Ayano: I agree!

Oko: I'm so happy!

Taro: This is amazing!

Me: Okay so you guys are going on a double date.

Everyone: WAIT WHAT!!

Ayano: But I want to be alone with Taro!

Aso: And I want to be alone with Oko!

Me: Too bad.

Oko: It can't be that bad. Atleast we're with the person we like.

Taro: Yeah, what could go wrong.

Ayano: Alright then. Let's go.

Aso: So, where should we go?

Taro: How about a fancy restaurant. I'm hungry.

Ayano: Yeah, me too. After all the dares I participated in.

Oko: Sounds good to me.

*Time Skip to a fancy restaurant*

Aso: Oooh, fancy.

Oko: Too fancy.

Ayano: It's just right.

Taro: I really don't care how fancy it is, I just want to eat.

Aso: Here I found an empty table that holds four people.

Servant: (french accent) What may I serve you for dinner tonight.

Taro: (looks through the menu) Uhh...I would like a "Penn Appétit" please.

Ayano: Me too!

Taro: And what do you guys want.

Oko: I would like to have a "Sweet Potato Pattie".

Asu: I honestly don't know what to take, so I'll go with what Oko says.

Servant: Alright. Your dinner will be served in a few minutes. Please be patient.

A few minutes later....

Servant: Your dinner is served.

Taro: The food they serve here looks delicious.

Aso: (eating) And tastes delicious, too!

Everyone: (enjoying their food)

A few minutes after their date...

Ayano: That was...THE BEST DATE EVER!!!

Taro: I know right!

Oko: I so agree.

Aso: Best day ever, too!

Everyone: (nods)

Ask Or Dare Yandere Simulator!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz