Chapter 2: the camp

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"Phew..." I sighed as I leaned back in the chair, dropping my bag near my feet. I hear a cough from behind me and turn around, there's about four other people in the back. A blonde lady, a black man and lady and a latino guy, all looking at me, in a bit of surprise and curiosity.

               I turn forward again, directing my attention to the road ahead of us. Just at that point, the man in the sheriff's deputy uniform speaks,

"What were you doing out there by yourself?"

I didn't answer. I didn't know if I should answer. I know this guy and these people in the back just saved my life back there but, it's not like I could already fully trust them.

"Hey" he tries again, glancing at me before turning to the road again. "What were you doing out there by yourself?"

I looked at him from the side for a bit before responding.

"Looking for supplies"

I look in the rear view mirror and see the four other people in the back look at me surprised. Then black lady in the back speaks up, "but your so young, why would you go into Atlanta on your own, the walkers could've gotten you."

"Are you crazy?" The blonde lady asks.

"It ain't like I had anyone with me to go with me" I respond, after glancing behind me to look at the four of them.

The Latino then asked as he raised his eyebrows in surprise,
"You're alone? But your a kid.."

"I've been survivin on ma own since this whole thing start'd, I've managed" I then looked at the black lady, "and, walkers?

"That's what we call em, what did you call em?" the deputy said as he drove.

I turn around to look at him as I sit back in my chair, "Rotting cannibals. Cause, they're dead, rotting, people, and they eat people so, rotting cannibals."

He nods once, and i only hummed in understanding then turned towards the road ahead again, before the deputy spoke again.

"Why were you alone?"

I look out the window for a bit, not answering for a good while, then I look back at him,

"Why should I tell you?"

He shook his head a bit, keeping his eyes on the road,

"Look, we're not gonna hurt you and we're not try anything, we just want to know why you were out on your own this whole time."

I continue to be silent as I glance at him, then I inhale and exhale deeply,

"I've been lookin' for ma brothers."

"Your brothers?" I heard the black guy ask.

I nod once as I look at him in the rear view mirror, "s'been years since I saw em, and eva since this whole, thing, broke out, I've been tryin' to find 'em."

"I know how that is" the deputy spoke, "I'm looking for my wife and my son too."

I look at him in understanding, and nod. Being separated from your family and not knowing whether they're okay or not, really keeps you up at night.

Missing pieces (walking dead fanfic) (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now