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Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter, I'm not too sure how i feel about the chapter but it had to be done and things are certainly picking up. Please let me know what you think of it. But most of all I hope you guys like it.

"I'm sorry I didn't defend you enough" I said placing a kiss on the top of her head "I should have done something more"

"No" She said shaking her head "You were perfect. I love you so much"

"I love you too" I nodded as I squeezed her gently "We should get inside"

"Yeah" Bella mumbled

After a moment longer of silence she broke away from me reluctantly to walk to the door and unlock it.

Things were already turning out to be more difficult for Bella than she expected and it had only just started.

Saturday afternoon came very quickly, though time seems to fly when you spend it with the one you love.

As much as you want the time to stand still, it just seems to speed up.

We didn't do much that day, we stayed in bed for most of it which was Bella's idea and I didn't have a problem with that. It means I could stay wrapped up in her the entire day, which was nice.

Bella had been a little quiet since she had the fight which Jacob and I could understand why.

Even though I hated the mutt, he meant something to Bella and it hurt me to see her sad over it.

Though like the great girlfriend she was, she didn't focus on it and began to get over it quickly for my sake.

I made breakfast for her that morning as well, I didn't burn much this time but I did ignore the measurements for the recipes, so the food didn't taste that good but in my defence I don't know what food tastes like in the first place.

My Bella ate the first few bites before she had to give up so I let her pour herself some cereal, just in case I messed that up as well.

We went to my house where I changed for baseball.

The family were a bit tense that day and for good reason but for that moment I could see nothing going badly.

"So how long have you all been playing baseball like this?" Bella asked as she leaned back on the headboard of my bed

"We've been playing ever since I joined the family. They used to play before I got here as well but some of the best times I've had with my family has been playing baseball" I shrugged as I slipped my shoes on "It's just so good that we can have fun somewhere outside of our house and not have to hold back"

"How much do you not hold back in these games?" Bella raised her eyebrow

"We can get pretty involved" I smirked, placing my foot on my bed so I could tie my laces "Rosalie and Emmett get pretty serious about it but we're all competitive. It's all in good fun though"

"It sounds like you guys have a lot of fun" Bella said with a small smile "I'm sorry you can't play tonight"

I scoffed quietly and looked over at my girl

"Bella I don't care if I don't get to play" I said before I paused and flashed my teeth in a grin "Besides, having you next to me while I officiate will make this a much better baseball game than usual. It should be an even game though while I'm umpiring. I'll see when they plan on cheating"

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