[9] So Much for Normal Living. . .

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Areum's POV-
"KANG AREUM!!!," Minso burst into the classroom out of breath.

"That's my name!  Don't wear it out," I smiled at her, happy to see a friendly face.

"Why didn't you tell me?!," she cried out as she sat down at her desk behind mine.

"Tell you what?"

"You came out of the same car as the two parks!," she whisper squealed, "Since when did you three become friends?!  Since when did you three carpool?!"

"Woah, woah. . .," I chuckled in amusement, "Slow down!  Seulgi had some business to take care of and she's friends with their parents so she left me in their hands."  It's not a complete lie. . . It has a few parts that are true. . .

"So. . .you're staying with one of them 'till Seulgi Unnie comes back?," Minso questioned, putting together the pieces of the puzzle I gave her, "Where'd she go?"

I shrugged, "Apparently her job requires her to go abroad.  I'm too young to watch the entire house and pay the bills on my own, so she thought this was the best for me."

"So you aren't friends with Jihoon Oppa or Woojin Oppa?," Minso asked, and I grimaced at her use of 'oppa.'

"You can saw we're acquaintances, and you CAN'T say that they're your 'oppa's.  That's just weird. . .," I gave her a look, and she rolled her eyes.

"You need to start dating!  Then you won't feel weird with the word 'oppa,'" she began reasoning.

"Since when did you ever date someone?," I fired back quite curious of how she would respond.

"Well. . .I. . . I actually haven't-" "Aha!" "But I have an older brother!," Minso huffed, crossing her arms as she sank into her seat.

The bell rang for classes to begin, and my friend sighed, "We'll talk after class!"

- - -

My class right before lunch ended, and I began to pack my things up into my bag.  So far I haven't been hearing too many whispers, so I assumed that Minso must've been 'clearing up' some of the peoples' speculations.

I had my backpack on and suddenly, one of the upperclassmen came knocking at our door, "Is Kang Areum in this class?"

I looked up at the call of my name and saw Donghyun, the senior's class president and friend of Woojin and Jihoon, scanning the room.

"That would be me. . .," I answered, hesitantly raising my hand.

Donghyun followed the sound of my voice and we made eye contact.  Once he found me, the serious expression on his face turned into a joyful one. 

Once he reached me, he handed me a paper folded into thirds, "It's from the office.  One of the women there asked me to give this to you when I was walking by."

"Oh, okay," I replied, eyes down at the paper filled with curiosity.  After a bit I lifted my head up, "Thank you for the delivery!," I chirped brightly. 

"No problem!  And before I forget," Donghyun leaned down and placed his mouth next to my ear, "Woojin and Jihoon want to meet you at the roof top for lunch," he whispered.

". . . Alright. . .but what for?," I questioned whilst putting the folded paper into my bag.  I can just read that later. 

"Don't know.  I'm just the delivery man!," Donghyun grinned and started walking away, "See you around, Areum!," he winked at me, causing several of the girls still in the classroom to glare at me and swoon.  So much for a peaceful school year. . . I mentally groaned, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.  Time to tell Minso I won't be eating with her. . .

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