Chapter 2

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🏳️‍🌈Justin's POV🏳️‍🌈

This boy... he's so amazing and I don't even know him yet... his jawline is perfection, his face is such a cute shape, he's tall... wow, I've never met someone so... PERFECT.

Miss: "Would anyone like to be a diamond and volunteer to take Raegan to lessons and look after him?"
J: "ME!"
Damon: "me?"
Kale: "meeee"
Miss: "you can pick out of our lovely gentlemen Raegan!"
Raegan: "oh... okay... I'll choose that boy over there"
*points at me*
Miss: "That is Justin, Justin Blake! You will look after Raegan from now on, don't worry love, He is a lovely young man, he will take care of you."
Me: "I promise I'll take care of you"

Yessssss! I'm so happy he chose me. I'm blushing. Holy Frick. This is amazing, my heart is jumping around in my chest right now!
Raegan comes over to me, he puts down his bag and puts a notebook on his desk and sits down, the notebook has his name on, as soon as he sat down he clenched onto the notebook until his knuckles went white... I wonder why? I won't ask as I don't want to be rude... I haven't spoke to him yet, I'll get to know him first.

Me: "Hey Raegan, welcome to our shitty high school" *laughs*
Raegan: *blushes* "thankyou...erm..."
Me: Justin, I'm Justin it's nice to meet you *smiles*
Raegan: omg! I'm sorry I forgot your name, I'm really nervous right now *laughs* nice to meet you too Justin."
*smiles back*
Me: it's okay really! It's a rookie mistake don't worry about it"

He's so quiet and so nice! i noticed he blushed when I said hi to him, he must just be so nervous poor lad... well I'm gonna take care of him and get to know him and be his friend, I hope he will feel like he fits in because me and my crazy ass friends will take care of him. 😂

Me: "So Raegan... where are you from?"
Raegan: "I'm from Marilyn, my mom wanted to move here because she just got a new job that she was going to get a lot of money for"
Me: "that's good I guess, Marilyn sounds pretty cool."
Raegan: "yeah it was, it wasn't as cold as here though, I'm freezing."
Me: "haha it's pretty cold here I can agree with that *laughs* you'll get used to that though"
Raegan: "I'm really glad you was here because I didn't want to choose anyone else."
Me: *blushes a little* "oh why is that?"
Raegan: "You just looked nicer then the others I guess... not in a weird way"
Me: "aww thankyou! You looked nice yourself"
*both laugh*

*bell rings*

Me: "time for class!"
Raegan: "oh no, I'm so nervous... what if people don't like me or I do something wrong"
Me: "don't be, I'm here for you... you don't have to worry about anything. Me and my friends like you that's all you need" *smiles*
Raegan: "thankyou so much, that makes me feel much better" *smiles back*

I'm walking to class with Raegan... he's clutching onto that notebook for dear life...its like he never wanted to let go, I have no idea what it was and I am curious, I'm going to ask at lunch... if it's something personal I hope I don't offend him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2019 ⏰

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