Value loyalty above all else. 11

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Collin sat in Xander's room, his eyes locked on the boy who sat across from him. A smile etched upon his face, his crystal blue eyes were warm with genuine happiness . He accepted the fact that Xander was Scyther's brother... Collin adored seeing him like this, off guard and enjoying the little things, it brought light to his dark heart... "Actually I'm really quite fond of spaghetti." Xander murmured smirking at Collin, Collin smiled lovingly at him then erupted into scattered laughs. "I never would have guessed." He said after catching his breath. Xander stood up and walked over to Collin, he sat on his lap facing him, Collin's hands instinctively drifted to Xander's back to keep him from tilting backwards. "Because you don't know me..." Xander whispers and kisses Collin gently, his lips tasted of salt... and blood. A knock sounded at the door, interrupting the two, A guard from the trip to Moscow entered the room after clearing his throat and just glanced to Xander, there was no judgement in his eyes, just respect. "Viklov is here. Scyther is waiting for you." Collin watched, helpless, as all the joy from Xander's eyes drained and they became cold once again. He crawled from Collin's lap as Miles left the room.
"I have to go..." Collin sighs, then frowns softly at him. "I'm coming." Xander immediately shakes his head, his eyes become dark with a warning. "No." Collin stands, he is at least half a head taller than Xander, and twice as strong. He places a gentle kiss to Xander's forehead and nods into his soft skin. "Xander I can see it in your eyes, you don't want to face this alone... whatever it is... and I am not going to let you..." Xander wanted to reject Collin, to push him away and yell that he didn't need anyone... but he did want the boy's support... "Fine." He murmurs and the two head toward the room where Viklov is being held.

Miles glanced up as Xander and Collin approached the door. He stopped Collin, he kept his eyes straight ahead as he recited direct orders. "Xander and myself are the only ones to enter this room, no one else in or out." He said robotically. Xander looks up at the guard. "Miles, let him in." Miles's shook his head in response. "I have strict orders." Collin sighs heavily, "Do all of you say that?" Miles didn't respond to his joking question. "Collin-" Collin shushes him, "Go. It's cool." Xander groans, irritated, and slips past Miles into the room.

Scyther glanced at Xander as he entered the room... A relieved sigh left his lips.
Xander hesitated to continue walking the closer he got to Viklov, he had not seen this man in so long... he did not ever want to see him again, and yet here he was, the one person who had haunted his past for 20 years was here in front of him. He looked to his father and a wave of anger so intense rolled over him, he felt as though he would implode.
Viklov looked at his youngest son, who looked like his older brother but they had many differences. Xander walked with the same confidence, held the same posture... but his eyes, the glowed with rage... they were teared over and burned brightly with emotion. Viklov braced himself as Xander swung at his face, his knuckles collided with the open slash on his right cheek and he cried out in pain. Tears streamed down Xander's face as he swung again, this time breaking Viklov's nose. The man screamed loudly as Xander continued to beat him, hitting the most sensitive spots on his body.

 Collin sat on the floor outside of the room, he listened to the continuous screams that echoed just behind the door, he glanced up at Miles who didn't even twitch, he was utterly still. "Doesn't that bother you?" Collin asked quietly, referring to the shouts of pain. Miles's eyes stayed glued to the hall in front of him as he spoke. "Not anymore." Collin frowns at him. "When does it stop bothering you?" Miles paused, took a shallow breath in and spoke again, though he didn't exactly answer Collin's question. "How long have. you been here?" Collin sighs and tsks softly. "About a year and a half... I think..." Miles laughs softly, so soft in fact, that Collin almost didn't hear him. " I've been here for 15 years... it all starts to fade out eventually and it's no longer unbearable, it becomes tolerable when you realize that Scyther isn't the villain." Collin watches him as he speaks... why did everyone keep trying to convince him that Scyther was good? Did they not hear the screams, had they not been branded? Tortured themselves? He sighs and searches for any expression on Miles's face, his grey eyes were empty, although he could feel the emotion that he attempted to hide. Miles became quiet as if he had said to much and Collin leaned his head back against the wall, waiting for the heart wrenching screams he knew he would hear again.

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