Chapter 19

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Getting out of bed was the third suckiest thing that happened that Sunday. "I'm so sorry babe. I will make it up to you."


He could see the disappointment in her face. "Promise. Wait here until I figure out what's going on, okay?"


He gave her a final kiss that lingered longer than it should have given the urgency of the situation before heading down to the clubhouse.

By the time he'd arrived the cops had already gone. They couldn't have been there more than two minutes all told. T-Bone, Bottle, Lonnie and Eag were waiting grim-faced for Jase when he joined them. Jase wasn't surprised that The Doctor wasn't there, as far as he knew he hadn't returned to the clubhouse after leaving to interrogate the meth heads the night before.

"Into the meeting room." Jase's voice allowed no question. The club house was being cleaned by a couple of pledges as they headed through the door bearing the Sons of Mayhem mural.

Jase sat in his customary space, to the left of where Bigfella should have been. His distinct absence made it clear what had happened.

"What'd they say? Why'd they take Bigfella away?"

Eag spoke first, his voice soft but clearly distressed. "He was arrested for a double homicide."

"For what?" Jase was shocked. There was no way Bigfella had done anything like that. As far as he knew, Bigfella had been in the clubhouse all day yesterday. In fact, he barely left at all these days, except to ride.

"They said they had video of him shooting some Mexicans last night." There were mutters of bullshit around the table.


"Around 6:30."

"He was here then, right?" Jase's tone was serious, but sounding a little more relieved.

"I'm sure he was here. I was here from about 5pm, and I didn't see him leave." Lonnie spoke confidently.

"You're sure?"

Lonnie laughed. "Well, it's Bigfella. I saw him go down to his room with some party chick. I can't imagine him running out on her to go whack a couple of people."

"All right then. So it's clearly a misunderstanding, right? Eag, what's our next step?" As a former lawyer the Sons always went to him with any of their brushes of the law. Even if he couldn't represent them, he could offer free advice.

Eag spoke clearly, and for once everyone gave him respectful attention. "We'll have him out in no time. Tomorrow at the latest. Once they realize we have a dozen people who can verify he was here they'll have to let him out."

Jase looked almost relaxed at the good news. "Okay. Let's go down to the station. I'll talk to Jimmy and Bigfella." Jimmy was a classmate of Jase's back in school. While they weren't exactly friends, their relationship wasn't hostile either. Jimmy was just a deputy, but he could still provide useful information.

The men stood up as one and began to filter out of the room. "Yo Eag, call Doc and tell him what's up, will you?"

"Aye aye."

When he exited the room Jase intended to walk straight through the clubhouse to his bike outside, but on the way he was accosted by a bleary eyed girl. "Hey Jase, do you know what happened to Brodie? He didn't come back last night."

"Not now Lucy. He's probably banging some Spanish broad."

Her face looked hurt but he didn't have time for that shit. Jase stormed outside to the row of motorcycles and jumped on his, starting it and peeling out of the parking lot.

Usually he liked to baby her when he started her first thing in the morning, let her warm up, then enjoy the sound of her slow rumble for a while before going anywhere. But not today. Today he was in a hurry.

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