⑫ Eventide

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Dedication: dolantwinswdw THEY SHOW SUPPORT ON MOST MY BOOKS AND ARE SOOO SWEET!!! (Published without this sorry, the event is at 9:30 and it is 9:25... I am rushing)

Reminder: you'll get chosen, if you show love! promise!

Update: I am trying to get back into my update grind.

Good News: HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO WHY DON'T WE!!!!!! Ughhh, I am sooo PROUD of their success.

One day, any normal summer day, me and my sister were watching youtube caught up in all the youtube drama.

Kay was like: "Marissa! You know 'The Fall of Jake Paul'?"

I was like: "kind of. Haven't watched it though"

Then kay was like: "I HAVE! YOU NEED TO WATCH IT!!"

I was like: "okay..."

So I watch until Why Don't We's part. Kay pauses and goes: "GET READY!!! They are so hot and talented!!!"

I was like: "Who?"

She was like: "Why Don't We! Here just watch"

She introduced them during their part and I just sat shocked and was like...WOW

The only thing I said was: "again"

We watched it about a bajillion times!

After I realized this was going to be my NEW LIFE!

One Direction is on break, 5 Seconds of Summer hadn't dropped any new music, and then BAM! A new band to listen to. And I was only like seven months late... So, I WAS LIKE I NEED TO WRITE ABOUT THEM!! I ship them! I love them! They are now MINE!!!! (To share with others).

And these last few months watching them grow and listening to them go along this path was just indescribable. I LOVE THEM SOOO MUCH!!!


Just to see these boys, that sing amazing songs and do great mash ups, just grow and become this band with so many supporters it is amazing.

I got to know them along the way! This is just great!! Ughh... I can't wait till the next anniversary and the one after that and so on and so forth.

Without these boys, I wouldn't have made this book, found a lot of these amazing authors/readers and I WOULDN'T HAVE THE SUPPORTERS, I HAVE NOW WHICH I AM SO THANKFUL FOR.

Bad News: THERE IS NONE!!!
D a n i e l

When dawn turned to dusk.

When the nocturnal come out to play.
We hear the story of the boy's stay.

WOW! WOW! Narrator! It's me, who is narrating for once!

Daniel said, mouthing off.

Stop! I haven't narrated once, this whole book.



When dawn turned to dusk.

When the nocturnal come out to play.
We hear the story of the boy's stay.

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