Time to fight!

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We got outside the lab soon going outside to fight back on evil Elmo's forces. We knew we were going to make it at some point. But not like this.
Chase: Alright come out. Ya creep!!! You can't hide forever!
Me: We all have the equivalent amount of power you have!
Claire: Wait, WHERE IS JEFF?!?
Carl: We don't have to worry abo....CRAP!
Me: Someone has to go get him!
Ky: Ok, but we don't know the combination to your locker! Or the code panel inside!
Me: Oh, right. well I CANT SAVE HIM, I need to stay here and fight alongside y'all!
Emma: Ok, what are we gonna do then?
Claire: I guess we need to hope for the best! We need to know that if Jeff does see a glowing green liquid...
Me: Toxic waste.
Claire: ... then he should not touch it!
Carl: He's gonna at least think "hey, maybe I shouldn't touch this" but he won't KNOW not to touch it!
Carl: We need to focus on the big problem at hand! Evil Elmo!
Finally, Elmo showed himself .
Elmo: LA LA LA LA! LA LA LA LA! Time to DIE!
Carl quickly shot lasers at Elmo's arm, which stunned him very bad.
Carl: Yes!
Claire Take this ya freak!
She quickly shifted into a lion scratching him and biting him everywhere she could.
Chase: Wait, for what?!? You almost killed a student here!!!
Me: Wait, he did what???!!!???
Emma: Yup, he almost killed Carl!
Elmo: I thought it was a sign of kindness!
Me: O_O
Elmo: Yea, I'm shocked at the truth too. I was looking up online how to be friendly to humans, and the video said, murder, stalk, and steal. I'm sorry if I did anything wrong. I just wanted some friends, sorry for wasting your time.
He hopped into the sewers then to disappear into the distance.
Claire: Ok, now we need to go get Jeff!
Chase flew us one to my locker in no time. We got on the elevator then went back into the lab.
Me: Jeff?!? Jeff?!?
Everyone was calling his name and wondering where he was.
Jeff: AH!!!
All of us: JEFF!!!
He had fallen inside of the toxic waste I was boiling over lava.
Jeff: I am a dolphin.....Bleh!
Jeff was now a mutant. There was nothing we could do about it except put him out of his misery. I tipped the bucket, letting the toxic waste that he was in, into the lava. We mourned Jeff's death for days. I was transferred into a new school. Never seeing those people again is what I am most sad about.

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