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Calm down Jihyo calm down. It's been one and half hour when I starting doing some kind of stuffs. I'm so nervous tonight.

"Calm down." I talk to myself to calm myself too this is what other called. Self support.

"People will love your voice jihyo." I sigh. I'm so nervous.

"Ofcourse they will love it." Fuck?

"Oh jungkook! Hi there!" He walk towards to me and pat my head.

"Hello, My Jihyo." Wtf again?! What did he call me? My Jihyo?


"I mean hello Jihyo." He smile at me sweetly. Too hopeless Jihyo.

"Why are you here?" I ask him he sat beside me because I'm here in the couch of the dressing room.

"I was looking at you and jungyeon lead me here." I shrug.

"Where are they?" I ask for the BTS and Twice.

"Oww, I think they will watch us." I nodded.

"Are you nervous Jungkook?"

"I'm very excited."

I smile it would be the last night of our collaboration maybe we cannot see each other again. I mean we can see each Other but in occasional events. But i dont think so that we can talk like these in front of other group.

"Goodluck to us Jungkookie." I kiss his cheeks for last.

"What the hell?!" My eyes widen I look at jungkook he was blushing. I laugh.

"You are blushing!"

"Of course not! I would I!" I laugh hard he's so cute and funny.

"Ow, really? it's just friendly kiss jungkook." even more than that I was thinking.


Someone knock the door before open it.


"Hey Jihyo! Hi Jungkook! Your performance will start in 5 minutes be ready."

"Why are you here?"

"Your manager commanded me to look for the both of you and said to the both of you is what I said Earlier. Do you both get it?" He shyly laugh at us.

"Tch, Yes." Jungkook answered.

"Goodluck! Gotta go!"

"Bye bye!" I wave at him before looking at jungkook.

"Come on! Let's go outside they must finding you."

"And you too." Jungkook stand up and held my hand and pull me.

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