Lotor is pushy

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The full moon is high in the dark twilight sky making it about 1:30 in the early morning. On the top of a tall building lays a figure with short brown hair and blue eyes. The figure looks left and right then through the glass hole with the red dot. The target tonight is a bomb. Hit the fuse kill 120 people and be gone in 3 mins before the police show up. The figure is in full assassin mode. Looking like a trained assassin but in reality is about 10 years old. The child's finger waves over the trigger and pushes down. 120 people burned and turned crimson. 120 faces that boy will never forget.

The next morning I wake up to the alarm going off again. This time wanting to be on time I run threw the door to the control room. I'm the third one there besides Coran and Shiro. Pidge and Hunk slowly walk in. "Someone is finally taking something seriously." "I always take thing seriously." I respond to Shiro. I just keep that smile on my face. "What's going on? What's the mission?" Keith's voice rises up. Allura saying in her princess voice. "We are to go down to that planet and find a special rock that Lotor is looking for. The only problem is the planet makes you see the terrible deeds you have done in the past and turns them into nightmares." "So because of this I've decided that Hunk and Lance will go down to the planet because your records are clean." I look at Shiro then at the rest of the team. "So you guys think I'm a good guy?" I laugh and wave it off. "Lance, you have never done a terrible deed. I would know, I've gone to school with you the longest" says Hunk. I head towards Red and think. I'm so died. That planets going to eat me alive. I'm going to be hunted by every single person I have killed. Hunk and I slowly descend to the surface. "Guys I can't do this. There something you should know. I use to beat up kids in my neighborhood. That was before I knew my own strength. I'm really sorry for it." "Alright Hunk. Lance looks like you're on your own. Be careful." I mutter a okay and descend further.

I reach the surface and step out of the lion. I decide that if I'm going to make it out of this with no problems I'll have to go full on assassin. Remember  your training, Lance. I adjust my eyes and fix my stance ready for anything. I start walking and following the map to the rock thing. The planet is covered in a thick green fog and you can't see vary far. I keep walking. Static. My coms shut off. Great now I'm alone. I then hear a noise behind me. I turn and look. I see a face. It's the face of my first kill. Thrown off edge I start walking a little faster through the fog. I turn around and see. 120 faces. All the people I killed when I was 10. I'm now nervous. I never did well with death. I hate it. I usually just forget it after a week of meditation. I start to run faster. I hear there voices all around me and see them all. They are all asking why. I finally run into something and fall down. The voices fade and now I'm aware of something in front of me. I do a back roll and jump onto my feet into a stance. Ready to shoot. I see through the fog and it's Lotor. "Are you real or am I just imagining you?" He laughs. "If you were imagining me I'm sure you'd know, assassin." I look at him. "What do you want?" He looks at me with amusement in his eyes. "Your little black paladin. Keith is it. He is freaking out over your coms. My generals are picking everything up." I reach up to tap my coms button only to notice I'm not wearing my helmet. Lotor continues, "He's wondering what happened to you. He's sounds worried about you. Does he know you're a killer? No? Oh imagine when he finds out. Do you think he's going to care about you as much as he does now? Like I said, Lance. Join me. We will be the best ever."

I lower my weapon and look at the ground. I get my stance back and say, "They just will never know then." I look around and see my helmet. I walk over and place it back on my head only to be blasted with a yelling Keith. "Lance! Hey you there? Don't die on us. If you don't respond I will come down there myself. Lance?!" I look at Lotor and he says, "My offer with always stand but... I don't want to wait forever. I might just have to tell them myself." I glare at him and say, "Don't you even think about it. I will kill you before that happens." I look at the map and keep walking towards the rock area with Lotor. "Lance please answer." Keith sounded desperate. I should respond. "Lance here. Sorry com interference..." my helmet is ripped off by Lotor. He pins me onto the ground and he says into the helmet, "If you want your Lance back I advise you to come down to this planet and save him from what lurks in the shadows. The black lion should come alone" "Lotor. Why are you with Lance!?" Keith yells. Lotor takes the com out of my helmet and breaks it. I get out of his grasp. I take my gun and point it at him. "Why'd you do that?" I question. "I want to see what happens when an assassin like you sees the ones they have killed. Tell me how many you have killed." I respond to him with, "4987." He stops in place and starts laughing. "Oh My God! That's a lot. Almost 5000. With your own hands. I'm impressed. I'm only at 1657." "Don't be" I say bitterly. We continue to walk and then I think of why I'm even walking with him. I mean he is not that bad. He understands me more than the rest of the people on my team. "Lance." He whispers. I look at him, "What?" He pauses for a moment then says almost pained, "I need you on my team, even if that means telling your whole team and harming you. I need an assassin as good and amazing as you. Your skills are amazing." I don't even want to respond to him. we continue to walk in silence. He looks up and so do I. We see the black lion land 10 feet away. Caught off guard Lotor grabs my hands and holds them behind my back. "Ow!" I yell out. Keith comes running out with his sword but stops. "Red paladin or Keith. It's a pleasure to meet you in person. Lance and I were just talking about the proposal I gave him. For him to join me." Keith looks piss and says, "Step away from him. I know that you are really just after our secrets." Lotor laughs and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to tell him." I yell out, "No don't!! Please don't do it!!" Keith says, "Don't do what? Lance what is he talking about?" I plead Lotor. I struggle against his hold but he goes on. "Lancey, Lance here has killed almost 5000 people with his own hands. Your friend is an assassin." "No!" I yell.

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