3. Eleven Teenage Dirtbags

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It was 8pm when we decided to take a break from driving and sleep. There was this nice area for us to park and stay the night without being fined or anything. "Who's hungry?" Oscar said and everyone started whinging about how they needed Maccas. "Guys we don't have the money for maccas, Noah can you jump out and grab some 2 minute noodles from the blue bag in the back" asked James but everyone knew he wanted maccas too. Noah came back to where we were with this look on his face as if he was a puppy that just took a dump on his owner's pillow. He looked nervous. "What's wrong babe?" asked Ella and he replied with, "We forgot the bag with the noodles in it".

"For fucks sake Jude we told you to pack the blue bag in and you said you grabbed it last minute" I said. "Yeah well I thought I did can you just calm down?" He whinged. "Don't you tell me to calm down i'm not the one who forgot the food"
Harriet got angry.
"Guys can everyone just settle? We have enough money to find a store and get something little for dinner. Maybe even more 2 minute noodles".
Everyone was super pissed off at this point but we stopped having a go at Jude seeing as if it weren't for him we wouldn't be able to go on the bloody trip anyway. Tom, being the way that he was, reassured everyone that we could all survive off of servo food until we found something better.

Ana and Cade fell asleep on top of each other in the back anyway so that was two less people to worry about for food. We did still have to find enough food to feed 9 other teenagers though. I drove and we kept going along the main road until we found anything with food. "I'll go in and find something but we all have to put some money together to feed 9" said Ella and Harriet agreed to go with her. Tom was talking to Frankie about WAPA and they were basically studying.

I looked through the rearview mirror to see if Ana and Cade were still asleep and they were so I was less worried about that. James was on the phone to Chanelle and I swear to god that boy couldn't last a day without talking to her. That's good though I guess. He loved her a lot. Jude and Noah were just talking which was nice because normally Jude would be pissing everyone off with his screamo being too loud. Noah knew how to distract him by talking about launch pads and how to take apart a computer. Jude was in for media at school and he was the biggest tech nerd I'd ever met. Oscar was in the front seat and trying to teach me how to drive every 5 seconds even though I kept telling him that I did actually get my drivers licence. Harriet and Ella were gossiping as usual behind me and I heard them talking about Harriet's boyfriend, Apollo.

After we found a dodgy servo and ate some dodgy food we were too tired to drive back to that nice spot we found earlier so we simply parked under this huge tree on a dirt road a couple k's off the main road. We arranged the seats so that we had more room to sleep and then it was a free for all. It was cold so everyone was on top of everyone to keep the body heat between us. It sounds weird but we'd known each other for years and we weren't 10 anymore so nobody was worried about girl and boy germs. Ella and Noah happily slept together in their little corner while me and Harriet were next to each other. Ana and Cade were still out to it in the back so we left them to sleep. Jude slept next to Frankie and the twins and Oscar were on the other side of her all crammed together.

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