#09 NEW

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Name : New ( 뉴)
Real name : Choi Chanhee
Stage name : New
D.O.B : 26 April 1998
Position : Vocal
Hobby : listening to music
Blood type : B
Speciality : calculate Abacus

Best fashion icon:
Kim Wonjoong, Kim Nayoung, G-Dragon, Yoo Ah In, Key
Happiest moment:
"When my mom is doing her perms and buys me whatever I want."
One thing that would never give up:
What is youth to you?
"Regardless my ages, as long as I am enjoying every moment, that is youth."
What is special about The Boyz?
"Because we have 12 members."
Where do you think The Boyz will be 1 year later?
"We will be just ending out busy schedule and got home at the dorm waiting for our turn to shower."

The Boyz ProfileTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang