A Story

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I'll tell you a story.

It's about a girl.

It's not very happy,

But it's not very long

She was a gem, yet

She didn't have friends,

Not even a home.

One day the girl decided,

Enough was enough.

She packed up her belongings,

Not forgetting her heart.

The organ was hurt, broken, and scarred

But she knew that it was a start.

There was a man who offered

A whole world to the girl.

She thought it was love

And her heart, he was given

Only to toss it aside,

Not caring at all.

She put up a fight,

But too late, it was.

The girl had lost all,

Even her heart.

A/N Yes, I know this is terrible haha. But, I'm bored so why not write crappy poetry to share with the world?

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