Challenge Accepted

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A/n: Just real quick, I'll go into more detail in the chapter, but Francis is a demon in this AU. Ok, have fun reading. Even though it's f***ing terrible and makes me cringe whenever i read it...Bye!

3rd Person P.O.V

Francis Bonnefoy was a demon. A demon of lust and seduction. But not only that. He was a powerful demon. All demons had some sort of power. But Francis was something else. He had the normal inhuman strength that most demons had. But he also was very good at getting whatever he wanted.

It wasn't just with simple seduction methods. He used dark magic. It was subtle, and barely anyone noticed when he used it. Almost all demons of lust had some sort of seduction magic. But Francis had perfected his magic to a point where he could barely be compared to other demons of lust. He was on a completely different level.

Currently there was an unconquered part of the Underworld. There was more chaos than usual as the demons of the Underworld fought over who'd get to control that land. Every single corrupted soul wanted to control the land. Francis was definitely not an exception. But he never joined the fighting. He found it much less time consuming to let the weak demons destroy each other and use his energy to fight the stronger ones. Which would still end up being quite easy for him. But there was one demon of equal power to him that might end up being quite difficult to defeat. Amelia Jones.

She was demon of gluttony. Whenever she wanted something she lost all self-control. Most of the time being able to obtain that something without even trying. And of course she wanted the unclaimed land as well. Francis might have a difficult time defeating Amelia. They were quite equally matched in power. They'd fought multiple times in the past and every one of those fights had ended in a draw.

Francis was currently sitting on the edge of a cliff, watching the battle for the unclaimed land going on below. After a few minutes someone walked up behind him. Francis quickly sensed their presence and turned around to look at them. He saw Amelia standing there.

"What do you want?" Francis asked, he shook up. "A fight? You know that neither of us will win." Francis said.

"I don't want a fight Francis." Amelia stated. Francis raised an eyebrow.

"Then what do you want?" He asked.

"To challenge you." Amelia answered.

"Isn't that what a fight is?"

"It's a different kind of challenge. We both know that this battle will eventually become between the two of us. And neither of us have ever defeated each other. So we need a way to decide who gets the land in a way other than fighting." Amelia stated, starting to get tired of Francis' sassy remarks. Francis paused. He was intrigued.

"What kind of challenge do you suggest?" Francis asked. Amelia held out her hand, chanting in a different language under her breath before mist appeared and created what looked like a mirror. But there was no refection in it.

After a few seconds something appeared in the mirror. Still not a reflection, but the image of a young blonde man with emerald green eyes. He was wearing clothes of high authority. Francis looked at Amelia with a slightly confused expression.

"This man's name is Arthur Kirkland." Amelia stated.

"I see." Francis looked back at the mirror. He smirked slightly as he looked at the image in the mirror. Despite his thick eyebrows that seemed to be a darker color than his blonde hair, Francis found the man quite attractive. "So, our challenge involves him?" Francis asked.

"Yes. I've been watching Arthur, and he hasn't shown any signs of what gender he's attracted to." Amelia stated.

"I see. Is that significant to the challenge?" Francis asked.

"Yes. We have to disguise ourselves as a butler and a maid. I've predicted that the battle between these demons will leave only us in two weeks. We have to get Arthur to sleep with one of us by then." Amelia said.

Francis smirked. "In what way does he have to sleep with me?" Francis asked, although he already knew the answer.

"You know what way I mean. You are a demon of lust after all. But if you insist that I say it. You have to get Arthur to have sex with you." Said Amelia.

"I understand." Francis said. He looked at the mirror one last time before Amelia made it disappear. Amelia held out her hand to Francis

"Do we have a deal?" She asked. Francis nodded. He shock her hand.

"We have a deal." He said.

•End of Chapter•

Another A/n: Sorry it was so short. And I know it's clique to make America the antagonist. Even if it's Nyo!America. Maybe I'll do some Nyo!Ameripan later on because I'm trash. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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