Chapter 1: Meet

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"_____, come on your gonna be late for your interview!!!!!" I looked at my alarm clock and gasp "OMG I'M SO GONNA BE FREAKING LATE!!!!!!!" I quickly wore my outfit ( b6440d8bce48ef874467167a98efd3 ) and quickly went downstairs "what to you so long?!?!?!" I scratch my head, I looked at Zach, ohh did I told you guys that, I'm older than him? but act more like a child than him? "hehehe, sorry" he shook his head "your sorry may work on me but it won't work there, so come on" he dragged me to his motorcycle, he tossed me his helmet and I quickly wore it and hop in. Let's just pray that I'm still not late.


"well miss ____, I heard that you have gained more fans than One Direction" I smiled and shook my head "never heard of it" while my head says 'HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! HEAR THAT ONE DIRECTION?!?!? IN YOUR FACE!!!!!' "I also heard that their management wants you" I looked at her wide eyed "r-really?!?!" 'hehehe, look at that, the management begging for me' she nodded "well that's good isn't it?" I nodded.

You'll face your downfall One Direction...............


After the interview, I went to the studio and started to record my new songs. I took a deep breath and started singing. I drank my luke warm bottle of water "ok that's good, will continue this tomorrow _____" my manager said, I nodded and went to shower and change ( Casual-Teenage-Girl-Outfits ) since I'm feeling uncomfortable and sweaty. Once I was done, I went to my car ( and drove to Tokyo Tokyo and man, I miss this place. This is where my boyfriend, Lawrence Ryder( beautiful-boy-francisco-lachow )  and I always go here when I wasn't as famous yet and surprisingly, no one noticed me. After I ate supper, I went to my car, to go to my beloved home ( Once I have entered my bedroom, my body slammed on my soft bed. Well FYI, I have a very tight schedule, I have 3 interviews in a row and 2 commercial shooting and the last is recording 3 songs. I sighed, remembering the times where I want to be this and now I did it, I wish I can go back to be like a normal teenager. It wouldn't be as tiring as this everyday. I sighed "I should just sleep" 

When I was about to close my eyes, my phone buzzed. I reached for my phone, even though I am super tired. I looked at the sender and thank goodness I did, the sender was Lawrence. It said

Lawrence<3 : hey princess, sorry I texted you this late and I know that you're tired since you schedule is hectic, but I just that I miss you already and wanted us to have a date this Saturday

I smiled, knowing that he understands my schedule that I can't go on a date with him like before, I quickly texted back

you: awww, I miss you too my prince XD...... sorry that I haven't been calling or texting you these past few days, it's just that my schedule is full, even this Saturday :(

Not even half a minute has passed when my phone buzzed

Lawrence<3: oohh, I see

That's Impossible! ~One Direction x Reader ~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя