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I've never gotten to introduce myself to my reader's.
I'll tell you a little about myself, but  I won't give out my actual name. I was once known as the mysterious redhoodwonderer. 😉
However I decided for a fresh new start and my new name is melancholy_ink.
I am currently writing Harmonic Notes of Insanity, I haven't posted in a while due to how busy I've been with school, and extra curricular activities. Now that I'm finally available, I will get down to business
*cues Mulan song "Let's get down to business"*
I wanted to give a little more background on the reason I am writing it. First off, I love horror novels. Stephen King is fucking awesome. Second, I think it'd be fun to try. The characters are based on people I know in real life (not giving names). And lastly, I think music and psychological horror can be a good match 😈.
Now my other book which is full of poems I've written. The meanings behind all my poetry come from my past. Most of them at least. I've been through rough times in my life, but I've learned to channel pain, and emotions into writing. Being able to experience the crazy things in life gives me a perspective of the world we live in. I love to write, and I love music. These are the only ways I can escape. It's my sanctuary. I can't tell you how grateful I am to have the friends I have right now. Whether we've been friends for a year or seven years. I want to thank SnowFox1323, for always being there for me, and for helping me find the inner crazy of me. You bring out the best of me. Luke_vader for helping me through a lot of things, you're practically my brother, thanks dude. Last but not least... isbelruru, thank you for teaching me the ways of how to forgive and to always care for others. Thank you guys for helping me believe in myself even tho sometimes I'm being dumb and insecure lol. You still see me for who I am. Y'all are my true friends. Follow these three people, they are brilliant individuals. All great writers too.
So yeah... This is me, and don't like it? Welp... Idgaf, but to those who do. I hope you enjoy my stories and poems.

See ya ✌~ melancholy_ink

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