Tag your self

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10 facts about me
1. I like to draw. Mostly comics not realistic
2. I am a pessimist
3. I like neurology/neuroscience (This is about the brain, spinal card, and nerves) For all of the Grey's Anatomy fan you know 😂
4. I watch the night shift
5. One of my favorite subjects is Science
6. I also enjoy math
7. I am a weaboo
8. I have 2 dogs, Shadow and Lady
9. At school and on the bus I sit alone and make sure it stays that way and always in a corner in the back of the room.
10. I am so boring it took me a half hour to come up with facts. I have no 10th 😃

Nick names
I am not one that likes to be called by anything other than my first name but I have 2 nick names.
My sister called me by this a few years ago not any more.
1. Kitty
My friends like to call me this at school. I just laugh when they do.
2. Satan the unholy god

Eye color
I have blue eyes. My eyes change color from blue to green depending on light, season or feeling

Hair color
I have blond hair but my sister tells me that it's golden in the sun but eh.

Another fact
I have male friends like a normal girl but I made them by playing video games. I love to play Call of duty and Clash Royale and Clash of clans but I also am like any fangirl. I also don't like to socialize with new people unless I  have to. My friends that I have on a games I haven't even met new one. Like this girl I would play call of duty infinite war with all the time at my dad's house.

Riverdale Gifs and MemesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon