Diggory and Pavell

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When Saturday came, Connor woke early with excitement. He felt a weird feeling in his stomach, like before he took a test at school. He rushed down to the Great Hall to try and have some breakfast before the date. Was it even a date? It was very secretive, he knew that much. He was nervous, so nervous, that he came close to not going down to the Quidditch pitch and meeting Cedric in the first place. "No, you can't stand him up, that's not fair on him" he muttered under his breath. He remembered the events of last night, when he was in the common room, alone with Cedric. He blushed remembering the soft kiss Cedric gave him on the cheek. He felt a hand on his shoulder. Connor turned around to see his twin, Alex, who said nonchalantly: "You know, I can tell when you're nervous. It's okay, I'm sure Cedric will enjoy spending time with you. I mean, he's risking being outed as gay just so he can hang out with you." Connor blushed again, "hold on, I don't remember telling you about Cedric..." Alex responded with a laugh that echoed through the hall "We're twins, Con, I know everything" he made spooky noises and pretended to be a ghost. There weren't many people there thankfully meaning less embarrassment for him. Alex was a dork, Connor thought to himself, which is true, as Alex walked back to the Slytherin table laughing maniacally.
Connor felt a little more confident than before, at least he knew he wasn't as strange as his brother. Suddenly, a huge group of owls flew in, including Natalie's owl, Pumpkin, who was given her name from Natalie's favourite flavour juice. Pumpkin was holding three letters in her beak. She dropped each letter in the lap of the two brothers then flew to Natalie and gave her the final letter. As strange as this even was Connor looked at the time on his watch and realised he had to go. Stuffing the letter in his pocket without a second glance he grabbed a piece of toast and ran down to the back of the Quidditch grounds, making sure no other Hufflepuff players saw him, he remained out of sight until he heard a voice behind him say "You know, you'd be a lot more inconspicuous if you weren't loudly crunching your toast" it was Cedric. He laughed as Connor blushed and walked up to him, hugging him when he approached. Connor loved Cedric's hugs, they were warm, welcoming. He felt at home already, even though he was blushing.
Alex made his way back up to the Slytherin common room to read the letter he had just been given. He recognised the immaculate handwriting, it was from his mother. He opened the letter and began to read:
"Dear Alexander,
I hope you're having a fantastic time at school, I also hope you're keeping up with your school work! Your Uncle Remus sends his love. He has been of great assistance to me, at least, when he remembers to take his wolfsbane potion! I miss you, I miss all of you. When it comes to Christmas we'll have a fantastic time! I have a surprise for you, I can't wait to tell you about it.

If anyone mentions your father, ignore them. Even if it is one of the Professors, they're lying. Your father wasn't perfect, but he's never hurt anyone. I know you've always wanted to know who he is, but I can't tell you just yet, not until you are old enough. What I can tell you, is he was also in Slytherin, which explains why you are also in Slytherin. You and he are alike in many ways.

I heard about Harry Potter putting his name in the goblet of fire, you were right about him. He is arrogant and narcissistic. I also heard from Connor that Cedric is in the Triwizard Tournament. He seemed upset, I'm not sure why.

Anyway, I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you very much. I hope this doesn't upset you, and that you have a fantastic weekend. See you at Christmas!

I hope you find the time to respond soon.
With love,
Mum xx"

Alex sat back in his chair to think through what he had just read. His mother seemed to think he was like his father, and that his father was a Slytherin. Why had she not told him until now?

"Hey Pavell, what are you doing today?" He heard a familiar voice behind him. It was Draco Malfoy. He shrugged, wondering why Crabbe and Goyle aren't with him. Draco seemed to notice that.
"They're still in bed, anyway, can't a guy have a break from his boring dumb cronies? Do you want to go to Hogsmeade?" He smirked.
"Uh...sure, but why are you being nice to me this year? You had me beaten up..." Alex said bluntly without meeting Draco's eyes. Draco sat down next to him. With a look on his face Alex had never seen before. Was it regret? Surely not, Draco never regrets anything, never feels bad. Yet that was the look painted on the boy's face.
"I really am sorry about that Alex. I had a lot going on that year, I felt like I had no control, and so I lashed out at you. And I didn't mean it. Well I did, but not anymore. I think we would be good friends if you tried" Draco finished and held out his hand for Alex to shake, Alex took the hand and shook it.
"I forgive you Draco" Alex said simply. Draco smiled, but not his sneering smile, not his "in better than you" trademark smirk. For the first time Alex had ever seen, it was a genuine smile. Like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. Alex realised he was still holding Draco's hand and pulled away. Draco stood up and the two of them made their way down to Hogsmeade village, as equals. Or dare Draco say it, friends.

Connor saw that Cedric was smiling at him.
"What? Is there something on my head?" said while nervously grabbing at his hair.
"No, i just love looking at you" the older boy said quietly. "Shall we head to the lake?"
"Um sure but won't people be there? It's a nice day after all" Connor said with more nerves than ever before.
"Maybe in the regular spot but I know a quiet place we can go." Cedric said with a smile.
And with that they set off towards the lake hand in hand.

"Do you think I should get something for Crabbe and Goyle?" Draco said and spun around to question Alex while they were in Honeydukes.
"Sure if you want to reward them for being lazy" Alex laughed, followed by Draco smirking.
"I guess they should get days off from following me" Draco pondered. This was a new side to Draco that Alex knew hadn't been seen before. Draco was trying to be nice.
"Nah, now that I think about it, they'd just stuff their faces and not even give a thought to the gesture..." Draco seemed disappointed.
"Are you okay Draco?" Alex said with a hand on Draco's shoulder.
"Let's get out of here, we should go to the tea shop, we can talk there" Draco said, now on a mission and dragged Alex out of the store and made a beeline for Madam Pudifoot's Teashop.

Cedric lead Connor to the edge of the lake, and hugged him again, like it was going to be his last opportunity to hug him.
"That was sudden" Connor said, sighing happily into the hug.
"I think you're fantastic Con I really do, and I know you're worried about me in this tournament, but I will be okay, all of the pressure is actually on Harry being the one who technically shouldn't be in the tournament." Cedric explained and finished with a kiss on Connor's forehead. Even though Connor wasn't short, he still came up to Cedric's shoulder height, Cedric was tall, which Connor liked. Connor felt safe in Cedric's arms, and felt like he was at home. He looked into Cedric's eyes, and Cedric looked into Connor's green eyes, and after a moment of them both looking into each other's eyes, Cedric leaned in to kiss Connor. When their lips touched he immediately felt a sense of giddiness rush through him. After all, he had had a crush on Cedric for a long time and finally he was kissing him, with the only accompanying sounds being the gentle trickle of water, and the wind blowing through the trees. He could stay there all day.

After Alex payed for his coffee and Draco's tea, he sat down with him in the corner, away from anyone else, so they wouldn't hear their conversation. This was on Draco's request. He had felt like Draco had something to tell him, something he had never told anyone before.
"So what is it you wanted to tell me Draco?" Alex said softly so that no one would hear, not that anyone was in there anyway.
"I...um...I think...this is really hard for me to admit...but I think I'm gay..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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