Topic 1: Dyslexia and Sight

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My wife told me to write about myself. First off, an introduction. My name is Volga Frederick Prenoto, soon to be king of the dragons. I pronounce Frederick in a special way, like the 'rick' would be 'week'. Either pronunciation is okay. Lets start on a easy topic as this is one I struggled with all my life. Dyslexia.

When I was just learning to read, I started having issues. Note, I was taught in Ancient Hylian then Hylian later in life as I was learning English at the sametime as Hylian suggested by my mother, Queen Rena. The issue was, I couldn't read at all. The words just switched all around like a Lizalfos playing a mind game or Saran with her daggers. From the end to the first letter then all the letters switched. It was a massive struggle for me. I ignored it until I had to write scrolls to send off to generals or Mother, anyone basically. When that happened, I was scolded for my misspelling on certain words that I can barely spell today. It bothered me to no end, to the point of giving in until my dear little sister, Sakura, helped me.

"Now brother, slow down when you read." she told me, my eyes gazing over the words for more than a minute. "Good, now read it aloud."

I nodded and read the sentence aloud, pronouncing each word perfectly. I was astonished with myself, my sister proud of me. I can read, that's a plus, but write? Now I wasn't astonished, pushing the book to the ground. 

I'm never going to write, I said.

"Yes you will." I seen her grabbing a scroll, taking a pen as she handed them to me. "Write your full name. Print or cursive will do."

I started writing my name in cursive, seeing that easier than print. I wrote everything in print except my signature. I was so excited, I burst the scroll into flames. Sakura shook her head as we laughed, her tackling me.

It had to be about 600 years ago now. I made us both proud as I can write in cursive and reading to no end. When me and Lana got together, I hid secrets. Now, it's 2017, three years since the end of the War of the Ages. I'm still holding secrets and one of them is sight. She found out about my dyslexia when I read a book of hers before asking her to read it aloud to me. She was pregnant with my son, Tyler, at the time. She made me share about it and told me it is okay.

The sight on the other hand, that is hard to hide. I always wear clear contacts, meaning I don't like colored contacts. They bother me to no end, making me not unique. I always hide the small case for them in the drawers with my glasses. Stuff them under my shirts, I'm safe. For now.

When it started acting up was when I was eighty-nine. Me and Sakura were playing a game inside the volcano, me protected by my earrings and scales I summoned onto my shoulder. What happened was that game we played, we never played it again. She injured my eyes, me being the only known hybrid (until this year), I couldn't do anything except wait for my vision to clear up and it'll be okay.

I was wrong. The next few days were difficult. I couldn't see stuff that was far from me, reading anything (which was hell already), or seeing my own sister. It was hard. After that, I locked myself in my bedroom, not coming out until Mother came in, carrying something. They had lenses like my father's goggles but in a rectangular form. She pushed them on me and I seen EVERYTHING! It was so exciting, I was bouncing with joy. 

It was the best day of my life, well, third best day. First was my wedding, Tyler being born and then that. Maybe fourth...

Anyway, it was a short topic (even though it's, 679 words...) but I hope you enjoy. 

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