Fitting in

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It was my first time going into the human world.

I saw people as couples,children different ethnicities, genders together. I smiled trying to give myself some character of course people looked at me like I was crazy cause of my flowers and one eye.

First thing to do on my list.... register for a school find a apartment..blah blah blah
I sighed. Just looking at the list made me tired

I turned the list over seeing a map and a note saying "Dearest daughter find a soul that is willing to take hell over with you" I rolled my eye I didn't believe in love it was a fairytale to me. I went to a store and bought some chips for some reason they tasted pretty good as I smiled walking down the street in my sweater and short skirt as other men thought it was appropriate enough .

I finished my chips and threw them away as I got on a sub way leading me to the middle of nowhere. I got off the train and look at the city calling a cab and jumped in, I looked out the window as i saw less people. the cab dropped me off as I paid

"Woah..." i looked up at a mansion as I looked down at my map "WAIT HEY THIS ISNT MY LOCATION" I yelled at the cab as he kept driving back, I shrugged as the only thing I can do is say hello

I knocked on the door pretty nervously but on rhythm, I heard yelling and catastrophe as I stepped down waiting, but before I could leave someone opened the door he looked handsome pretty tall he kind of looked like an android i snapped out of thoughts and I noticed he never looked at me weirdly he Looked into my third eye  "Hello?" He asked smiling warmly I took a deep breath "I'm lost I-I'm supposed to be in....Downtown.." I got distracted couldn't help but look at the two people yelling at each other  He stepped in front of me "you're lost?" He asked with a deep toned voice

"Yeah! I am..."  I said my face felt hot never felt like this before...
He looked right and left then looked down at me like he was checking me out or something "it's getting dark anyway you should spend the night here" he stepped aside welcoming me in I looked around as my eye was satisfied it was quiet ... then all of a sudden he bowed to me which he should be doing but I have to keep my cover.."I'm going to train if you need anything just ask" he  walked outside through the back

I took out a notebook jotting notes since I think this is it I have to rule this place or take someone over..."Welcome!" I got startled holding onto my jacket and backpack full of clothes "don't be scared doll" a tall guy as well gripped my hand and kissed it he had a weird costume on like a beak mask "and your name is pretty lady?" I was confused, I guess they're ignoring the fact that I only have one eye in my forehead "Jazmine ReiMeiyo" he looked at me a little surprised "I'm Ace and that rude guy that left you here is Genesis we call him Gen" he grabbed my waist pulling me room to room

"This here last but not least the library" I looked around witnessing a whole bunch of books "go ahead" he said smirking "Wow....this is awesome" he smiled gripping my waist and holding my wrist " please do not touch me" I could but feel my Flowers turn red as he backed away " alright alright I thought some fun was needed for you but suit yourself He smiled and walked off "Ciao" he said waving and I ignored him looking through the huge window in the library as it was so clear even I could just touch into the view or I could just go I saw the flowers never seen before in my life I started to draw them

I saw Gen training as I studied his stances his weakness and strengths writing it all in my notebook"weird" i whispered to myself and then  I heard an excited voice  from a distance and I turned around seeing a women she looked like she had been a hang over "Sure is, I see you take interest in my companion" she walked towards me smiling "No,no, I just.. pfft.. um sorry didn't know you two were together.." I smiled but she squinted at me  and then smiled "nonsense we aren't together"
"Oh alright"
" Gen!" She yelled as he teleported right beside her "Yes, Serena?"
"Take care of our guest" He nodded
I looked at the both of them "Mrs.ReiMeiyo are you by any chance married?"
It was a stupid question but I answered anyway "No"
"Pregnant?" He asked
" No!"
"Are you taken?"
"Any concerns we should know about? " I shook my head
"Type?" He looked down at me
" Excuse me?" I frowned
"I mean your species" he blushed
" I'm human"
"Whole name please"
"Jazmine Akuma ReiMeiyo" he looked at me with the same look in that other guys face "Thank you for your honesty" he smiled
"A new person?" Someone else came in " I'm Dan!" He had blue hair guessed it...tall so was that girl..."I hope you enjoy our stay" he smiled excited "Hello" I waved.
Someone ran in the room " I heard a new girl wa-" He stopped and looked at me staring seconds later Gen Grabbed my arm pulling me to the kitchen "you must be hungry"
"Y-Yeah" usually in hell we eat like beasts that we were i was scared to eat in front of everyone basically...
He slid a cup of milk towards me "We're out of everything so milk is what we had my apology" he alerted as I took a gulp " It's alright.. " i smiled and looked at him as he began to laugh
"What's so funny?" I raised a brow
"Milkstashe" He giggled
I Licked my lips then laughed grabbing the napkin

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・**・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Hellooooo my first OC fanfic if you want me to write a chapter with another character Im always here

Instagram: Tema_Uchiha_

Kik: Temz.. or Temz...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2017 ⏰

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