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Misun's point of view

It was finally time to go home ! I can't to go home to my boyfriend Hoseok our apartment. We've been together for 2 years.

I went home and cooked for myself. It was now 9:47pm Hoseok should be home at 12am. He had dance practice.

I called him.


"When are you coming home"

"The usual Misun you know our comeback is coming." He says panting.

"I know.."

"I'll see you at home okay?"

"Yes hobie.." I said.

I fell asleep.


Hoseok's point of view

It's 12:11 right now. I just got home. I came inside Misun our living room and heard loud snoring.
I went and looked on the couch and saw Misun sleeping peacefully snoring. She's so cute.

Because of all the prepping and time away.. i wanted to surprise Misun. By decorating our room and setting up a date for us tommorow morning.

Tmr Misun's point of view

I woke up and i was in bed snuggled up next to hobie. Times like this is what i cherish most. I was staring at sleeping hobie for so long i didn't realize all the roses on floor. It was a trail. Without taking another look at hobie i got up from bed and followed the trail.

It led to the stairs and into the kitchen. "Surprise !!!" He yells. How did he get up from bed so quickly??! I smiled widely. He was all dressed up and had a picnic basket ready for us. How sweet.

"You did all of this? For me ? " I low key started tearing up while he nods. "Come here you brat." I hugged him tightly and smiled.

We spent the rest of the night cuddling and fell asleep.

I am extremely sorry for not updating this book.
I just kind of lose motivation and inspiration for long stories now.

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