Woojin's House

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I knocked on the front door and slightly opened by a smiling Woojin. It's cute when he smile, his eyes aren't noticeable when he did so.

"Noona you're here! Come on in." He open the door wider for me to enter.

"I told you not to call me Noona, it's awkward for me if you call me like that." I chuckled entering his house with two bags of snacks in my hand.

I look around the living room, Seunghyun and Sagang are playing video games with Seokcheol watching them. Junwook sitting on a sofa playing with his guitar. But no sign of Eunsung, I sigh in disappointment.

"(Y/n) is here! Yaay food!" Sagang pausing the game and quickly stole the bags I was holding.

"Yah Sagang!" I shout.

Sagang ignored me and sat back down beside Seunghyun opening the snacks, Woojin quickly joined them.

"(Y/n) sit here with me, you said you want to learn how to play guitar right?" I turn my attention to Junwook who are smiling warmly.

I smiled back walking to him, taking a sit beside him excited to learn about guitar.

"Let me see how you hold the guitar first." He gave me the guitar. I hold it like how usually I see him do it.

"Wait, hold it like this.." His left hand goes around my back and hold my left hand that was holding the guitar head, his right one positioning my right hand on the strings. I feel my cheeks heating up.

He's too close..

"Oooooohh Junwook you're a good teacher~" I look at Seunghyun who are smirking and wiggling his eyebrow towards us.

I notice that Junwook are secretly smiling and a little blush covered his cheeks.

"I heard (Y/n)'s voice-.."

I look behind me and saw Eunsung with a glass of water in his right hand. He look at Junwook's hands that were holding mine. I quickly shake of his hands from mine and look away.

"Ooh I dont know that you two are a thing now."

"Well we're actually not." Junwook answer putting his guitar aside.

"You two look good together though~" Seunghyun said between his eating.

"Agree!" Woojin snap.

Junwook only shrugs and sigh. I focused my eyes on Eunsung who are walking towards the other boys to join them eating the snacks.

I wish you know how I feel, Eunsung.


"AW COME ON HOW CAN YOU BE THAT GOOD AT THIS?!!" Sagang shout at the TV.

"You just sucks." Woojin said calmly, "Now your punishment."

Sagang put his bangs back and close his eyes ready to have his punishment. Woojin flick his forehead hard that makes a little sound.

"Oh my forehead.." Sagang rub the pain with a little tears on his eyes.

"Hehe sorry hyung."

"Guys I'm going outside to buy bubble tea, you want some?" Eunsung stands up and wear his cap.

"Yes please!" Woojin said.

"Hey (y/n), why don't you come with him?" Sagang smirks.

"W-what? Why?"

"Shuush just go!"

I look at Eunsung and he was smiling.
Geez why you doing this to me Eunsung, stop smiling I can't..

"Alright I'll go."

On the way to the shop, its just silent. Either me and Eunsung talk. Just the sound of our feet.

I peek at his face, his hair, his eyes, his lips. He's perfect. I can just look at him forever.

"What? Is there something on my face?" He snap me out from my thought. I quickly look away from him, I think my face look like a tomato right now.

"N-no.." Why do I have to shutter like that?!

"Eunsung oppa!!"

I turn around to see who call Eunsung and saw a girl around my age running towards us. When she got closer, she hugs Eunsung and buried her face to his chest.


The girl then look at me and smile warmly. Long brown hair, pretty eyes, cute smile. She's definition of perfect.

"Hello I'm Park Hyejin. Eunsung oppa, is this one of your friends?" She look at Eunsung again.

"Yes, she's (Y/n). What are you doing here?" He smiled at Hyejin.

"I'm picking you up for our first date!" She grins happily.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2017 ⏰

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