chapter 1

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Max's POV

I had to take the stupid bus home because my parents forgot to pick me up. when I get back home I knock on the door.

my father opens it. he's a vary rich looking guy, he has a long sleeved black shirt and pants on with black hair to match. he has no smile on his face, he never does.

he says nothing but let's me in. I go upstairs, when I get into my 'room' it's dark. the walls are grey and the only thing there is a sleeping bag that I sleep in. I have a few books stacked in the corner though.

it's all the books that my parents didn't like so they threw them in the trash. I pick one of them up, I've already read them all. I tossed it behind me. I lay backwards.

fuck this shit. I'm just going to sleep. I close my eyes and fall asleep forgetting to even sleep inside the sleeping bag.

1 week later

I open my eyes to my mom bursting through the door. she looks as rich as my dad. the same black clothes and hair. except she wears 5 pounds of makeup. She orders me to get my ass up and leaves.

I go down stairs, I start making breakfast but then I think, why am I making their breakfast? At camp it was always the quarter master who made breakfast, and both Niel and Nicky both mentioned their parents cooking for them!

I stop cooking and start up to my room. my dad grabs my arm but I pull it away. he hits me over the head,

"don't ever do that again." he snarls.

"that's it! I'm done with your attitude!" he screams. he grabs my throat and gags me with a cloth sitting next to him. I struggle but my mom ties my hands together.

they've been planning this..

they load me into the car and drive to a ditch. the whole time I'm kicking and trying to free myself. when we get there they walk into the ditch dragging me like a dog.

they tie me to a piece of metal in the ground. they start to walk away. I pull at the rope again and again but it doesn't help anything.

I fall and start to cry. they can't leave me here I'll die! I watch them get into a car and drive away. I sob until the sun goes down.

I wait there, trying to free myself all night. I'm stuck here for two days before I just lay down and wait for death. I start to cry again, what else can I do anymore?

David's POV

Gwen and I are on a walk, even after camp me and her are friends. We've known each other since we were kids and I got the job at camp Campbell in the first place. after a while of walking I see something in a ditch we pass by.

I can't quite tell what it is so I climb into the ditch.

"David what are you doing?" Gwen asks tiredly.

"I'm going to see what that is." I say pointing.

Gwen fallows me. as we get closer we start to hear a sobbing sound. eventually I recognize the shape of the thing there.

"Oh my god max!" I scream running over to him.

Gwen obviously not paying attention runs after me. I was right, he's tied to the ground by a rope. his mouth is covered and he can barely keep his eyes open. I take out my knife I use normally to cut rope for a tent and instead cut off this rope.

I pull down the cloth from his mouth. I hold his head in my hands, unsure if he's dead or not. Gwen is covering her mouth. he looks up at me.

"w-what are d-doing here...?" he asks quietly his voice shaking but still attempting to sound angry. I pick him up trying to hold back my tears.

"I'm here to help you." I say.

he gives off a weak smile. "ha... that's... bullshit..."

he says weakly before passing out. I pick him up in my arms. I look at Gwen. she's holding back her tears, max was rude but no one wanted this for him.

"we have to take him to a hospital." I say.

max's father's POV

after a while we noticed there was no one to clean our house anymore, or do the dishes. or anything max usually did.

"honey maybe we shouldn't have left max out there. if someone finds him then your reputation..." my wife says.

I sigh. "I'll go get him. he can't run so it won't be hard." I say.

I stand up and walk outside. I drive to the ditch, I walk to where max was and he's gone. I hold the left over rope. this was cut by a knife. there's two new sets of foot prints. I growl, who would take our child!? who ever it is I'll kill them.

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