Chapter 3

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I was sitting in Starbucks and I though hey! How about an update so here it is!


We all sat staring at him without saying a word. James had a goofy dreamy expression on his face, black stood looking smug and Peter and Remus wondering 'what the hell is going on'.

Finally Remus found some composure.

"Hi my name is Alex wolf and this is James Brown, Stuart Blue, Peter Grew and Chloe Church," said Remus gesturing to each of us in turn.

"Hi" we all chorused.

"Well nice to meet all of you what house are you all in?" Harry said. He's nothing like his father I thought He has more of a shy nature.

"we're all in Gryffindor what about you?" I said cause it would be nice to get to know my future son.

"Same well let's go to the common room and I can introduce you to my friends!" he said.

We all made our way to the common room and it didn't look to different to when we left.

"Hi guys! meet James Brown, Alex Wolf, Stuart Blue, Peter Grew and Chloe Church and they are new and all in Gryffindor!" he said and a girl looked up from here book and a red head boy stopped stuffing his face with chocolate frogs.

"Hi I'm Hermione Granger and the boy that is eating like there's no tomorrow is Ronald Weasley but we just call him Ron," The bushy haired girl said and I new we were going to be friends.

"Bloody hell Harry! This boy looks just like you and she, she has your eyes!" Ron said. And I thought he was the dumb one.

"Yeah isn't it great I have what looks like a twin from another finally and she could pass as my mother!" Harry said and if he gets any closer to me or James I have a feeling he will figure out who we are.

"Wait..... You look like Harry's Godfather Sirius Black! And you look Like our old Defense against the dark arts teacher Remus Lupin." Hermione said and my breath caught in my throat.

"And YOU!!!! You look like the rat that betrayed my parents, got them killed  and is now at this very moment working to bring Voldemort back to life!!!" Harry said with bitterness lacing his tone. My heart stopped and I saw James looking at me if we die where has Harry been living?

"So Harry if your parents are dead," said Remus struggling to get out the word dead, "Where have you been living" said Remus voicing my question.

"With Petunia, Dudley and Vernon Dursley" said Harry with disgust. Oh my chocolate frogs Harry has been living with my sister and seeing as she hates me, he probably been mistreated.

With us Travelling here it seems as if these kids lives have gotten weirder. I wonder what I've missed.

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