Part 13 xoxo

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Germáns pov

Im so lucky! I have 2 amazing daughters and a beautiful fiancée who i love with all my heart. Angie is coming home tommorrow with Clara Rose and im do exited! I miss them so much which is rediculous as i visit them twice a day. Romallo and i have decorated Angies old room into a beautiful new playroom for Clara Rose but its a secret. Also, weve arranged a suprise party as soon as they get home! I couldnt be happier!

V- Dad

G- Yes Vilu

V- Youve been sat at your computer for over an hour

G- Very important work things

V- No! You havent even logged in! Where you thinking about Angie?

G- I just cant wait for them to come home!

V- Me neither! Ive always wanted a little sister but its a bit annoying im so much older. I thought big sisters gave advise and stuff

G- You can play with her and help her with things if shes too young. Look, if youre this eager to give her advise why dont you?

V- All the advise i have is for when she gets to my age!

G- Well what does that girl do on that tv show you like for her little sister?

She pauses to think...

V- THATS IT! Ill start a video diary! Thanks Dad youre the best!

She runs out the room with a big smile on her face. I love how everything is turning out perfectly. Its so weird thinking it couldve turned out completely differently so easily! If i hadnt left that desperate message for Angie when she left for France. If Angie hadnt forgiven me! If id got back together with Jade. Nooooooo! Thats a horrible thought. I dont know why i ever said i wanted to marry Jade. I knew i was in love with Angie! Anyway, it doesnt matter. I am with the love of my life and nothing can seperate us. I will do anything and everything to protect my family!

Angies pov

I miss Germán so much! Violetta too of corse. They visit every day and i love it but its so sad when they have to go. I cant wait to take Clara Rose home tommorrow! Itll be hard work but i dont care. Ive never been happier in my entire life! Clara Rose is asleep in my arms and im staring at her while she sleeps soundly. Shes such an easy baby! I cant believe shes mine! I love everything about her. Her tiny toes and tiny hand that grips my little finger when she wakes up. She has her Dads eyes but shes blonde like i wa swhen i was her age. I wrap a curl around my finger and smile blissfully. Im distracted by a nurse coming in.

N- Hello Angie

A- Hi nurse

N- Wow

A- What

N- Nothing. Youre baby is so beautiful!

A- I know! Im so lucky!

At that moment she opens her big brown eyes and smiles up at me.i cant help but smile back.

N- She looks like you.

A- She looks more like her father.

N- Isnt he the multi millionaire?

I blush and nod. Its so weird hearing that! Hes so down to earth that normally i completely forget how rich he is! Hes so sweet. I cant wait to get married! Weve started planning the wedding, there will be white lilles and...

N- Um Angie?

A- What? Yes ! Sorry i was in a world of my own.

N- Are you a teacher?

A- Yes how did you know?

N- Theres every single student from studio 21 outside!

A- What? This is fantastic! I havent seen them in so long! I wonder how theyre getting on. Hows the studio? I hope Gregorios been ok recently. Betos coming! Ive seen Pablo and Antonio yesturday but itll still be great to see them. I havent seen Beto in ages and hes my best friend! Oh no. Rafa. Hes been supply since i left on meternity leave. At least he cant spin me now. Id like to see him try! I hope Clara Rose will be ok wih so many people.

Ok. Calm down. All youre friends are coming. Its ok.

N- Should i show them in?

A- Ok

N- Um you may need to move rooms.

A- Why?

N- Its too small!

We laugh and i agree to move to a bigger room for now. She wheels me in my bed which i enjoy now and shows me into a giant room!

A- Its massive!

N- Thats how many people are here!

She opens the door and every member of Studio 21 is here! Even Gregorio! At the front is everyone from the house along with Beto, Pablo and Antonio. Gregorio is yelling at the students at the back. After an hour of visits everyone goes home apart from Germán and Vilu.

A- Do you want to hold her again, Vilu?

V- Yes please!

Vilu makes her arms for a cradle like a nurse showed her last time and Germán put Clara Rose into her arms. Then he sits on my bed, resting his head on mine, as i nuzzle into his tshirt. After a few minutes Nurse Winters( who i call Winnie and is a close friend now) comes in and sees how happy we all are.

A- Winnie! Do they have to go now?

My face falls at the thought.

W- Normally, yes but as its youre last day i wont say anything if you dont.

G- Thank you!

W- So this is the famous Germán. And his must be Violetta. Angie doesnt shut up about you two.

I blush but Germán laughs.

G- Im glad to hear it

W- Clara Rose really looks like you!

Now its Germáns turn to blush

A- Wow! Not many people can make Germán blush Winnie!

W- I have a talent! Anyway ill leave you now but keep the noise down and dont say i let you stay. Bye

A- Bye

G- The nurses here are really nice!

A- Yeah but id much rsther be at home with you two.

V- Well youre coming home tommorrow.

After about half an hour Winnie comes in and says they have to go properly now. She knows how i hate it when they leave so she stays with me and we have a long chat about weddings. Turns out shes engaged too!

Happily Ever After?- A Germangie storyWhere stories live. Discover now